Tuesday, May 24, 2011

31 Weeks.

It’s funny how “seasoned” you can already feel after giving birth just one time. :) Although you obviously don’t love your second (or third, or fourth…) child any less than the first, the pregnancies are just…different. Life continues to be so busy with a toddler and time gets away from you. Before you know it…you’re 31 weeks pregnant and realize that you have only written about your pregnancy a few times. I created a website specifically for my first pregnancy. And afterwards, I printed off each journal entry and bounded it together like a little book. And I absolutely love that I have that keepsake for Rylie. My plan is to do the same for this child. But I’m afraid that her book might be just a tad thinner.

Catching up to speed:

31 weeks
Weight gain: 29 pounds (YIKES!!)
Baby’s heart rate continues to stay around 130
My hands are beginning to swell but I can still wear my wedding ring
I begin seeing my Dr. every two weeks now…crazy!
Still get regular heartburn but my nausea has yet to return
Fairly certain we will name her Parker Kay
She kicks ALL THE TIME…I don’t remember Rylie’s kicks and movements being as painful?!
Cravings: ice cream, cereal, jalapenos, fruit

Dear Baby,

Daddy and I are so thrilled that you will be joining our family in just 2.5 short months. And Rylie sure seems to get excited when we talk about her little sister. I pray that the two of you become the best of friends!

You are due on the 28th of July. As of right now, my plan is to not get induced until the week after my official due date (provided I don’t have you before then). I was induced with your sister…but would like to try something different and want to give you a chance to “come on your own.” Things could change quickly, however. And if so, I will get induced on the 26th of July.

Our little family sure has a lot going on this summer. And you will be coming “home” to our temporary apartment. Unfortunately, we won’t have your nursery finished (well…actually…we won’t even have it started). But you will be sleeping in mommy and daddy’s room for the first several months anyway. We will only have to live in the apartment, with you, for one month. Because as soon as they finish building our house, we will be moving again to your actual “first home!”

You move around in my belly constantly. And sometimes, it’s quite painful. But I still love it! You typically become really “active” in the evenings. But I enjoy watching your kicks.

Your heart rate continues to be around 130 and I think I’m carrying you a bit lower than I did with Rylie. The thought has definitely crossed my mind that the ultrasound tech. was wrong and that you are, in fact, a little boy. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see….but we’ll be okay with that little surprise!

We can not wait to see who you look like…and hope that you have crazy curls like your sister. :) Most importantly, however, we hope that you are strong and healthy!

We can’t wait to meet you, little one. Keep growing!
