Thursday, July 30, 2009

And This Is What We Did...

No Mommy, Please Don't Leave Me.

I realize that I have yet to write about our vacation last weekened, but I haven't had the chance to download any pictures. Sorry. I will come back to that.

But this morning left me feeling heart-broken and a bit flattered. And yes, I already know that combination seems strange...but it's true. It's simply how I felt after leaving Rylie at her babysitter's house. I followed my normal routine of covering her with lots of hugs and kisses and plopped her down in the middle of the living room. She's usually content with playing with her friends. But this morning was different. And as I stared back at her through the glass door, her eyes began to fill with tears and she dropped her little head and cried.

It. Was. Awful!

As I continued my walk to the car, my heart hurt and I felt unfaithful. I wanted to run right back in there, pick her up, and tell her that I would never leave her again. But I couldn't because, unfortunately, that wouldn't have been the truth. And I knew that the second Mrs. Caretaker (my pretend name for our babysitter. you know, for the sake of privacy again.) picked her up to console her, she would be just fine! And I found comfort in Darius Rucker's words, "It won't be like this for long. One day soon you'll drop her off and she won't even know you're gone. This phase is gonna fly by if you can just hold on. It won't be like this for long." But although it was heart-breaking, I have to admit that it was a little flattering as well. My baby wanted me!!

But Rylie, please don't cry for me tomorrow because mommy can't handle it. While I'm at work, I miss you more than you know!

Friday, July 24, 2009

And We're Off!

Well, technically, we're off in about 5 hours and 29 minutes (but who's counting, right?). Where are we ask?

We are taking a much needed break to visit lots of family back in Kansas. And we are going to try to "rough it in the wilderness". And by "roughing it in the wilderness" I mean..."kickin'" it at the Puddle, reading a good book while drinking a sweet tea and relaxing on the deck, watching the grandparents giggle and laugh with Rylie, throwing a string attached to a pole into the murky waters in hopes of tormenting a poor little fish (oh wait, that probably won't be me...but I will enjoy them for dinner. Now how contradictory is that?!), grilling some good food, staying in comfy clothes for four days and not straightening my hair ONCE, taking as many naps as needed, staying up late and roasting marshmellows for smores, riding four-wheelers and canoes, and sleeping in an air-conditioned RV. Now that's MY KIND of "roughing it!" I'm anxious to see how Rylie does on her very first camping trip. Report and pictures to follow.

Until then...

Hoping you all have a fantastic weekend!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

All Out of Whack!

Here lately, Rylie's bedtime routine has gone from a peaceful state of rocking, singing, and a chaotic twist and shout game where she does everything in her power to wiggle free from my arms just so she can, ever so tiredly, resume playing with her purple spoon. It used to be that she would eat dinner, play, and then succumb to her tiredness and allow me to hold and snuggle her until she fell fast asleep in my arms...all before 8pm. Oh! No! Not the case anymore. And I know that she's tired because she usually tries to nap during her bedtime bottle. But for the fear of it only being a cat-nap that will give her just enough energy to stay up until midnight...I don't allow her to fall asleep too early. And when it's time...she fights it (according to my mom, she's transitioning from "mommy's time" to "Rylie's time"). But after finally giving in to her heavy eyes, she sleeps. But not like she used to. How can things change so quickly? And drastically?! Take this morning, for example: I've been up since 4am!! And while my precious baby naps at daycare, I'm drinking Mt. Dew in hopes that it will keep me from falling asleep at my desk! But, Oh! how I love that little girl! It may have been early. My bed may have been warm and comfy. Griff may have been happily cuddled next to me. And the thought may have crossed my mind that I have a full day of work ahead of me and I have to get up in less than an hour. But as Rylie lay between me and Brian, pulling at my mouth, nose and hair...I smiled.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh! My.

Rylie has not one...not two...

wait for it...

THREE teeth coming in at the same time!

This will make five teeth all together. Some babies don't even have one tooth by the time they are one year old. But honestly, she hasn't been that bad of a "teether." Sometimes when she gets a bit fussy, I even forget that I have the option of blaming it on teething. I usually chalk it up to the fact that she is tired and needs a little rest. But her poor little mouth is red, swollen, and she has three pearly whites piercing through her gums...ouch! She is drooling a lot this week and has another constant flow of "mucus-uckiness"...she ALWAYS manages to get a runny nose when she cuts teeth. But she is such a trooper! Regardless of how little she shows know that has to be painful! But with the help of Tylenol and Orajel, I'm trying to keep her as comfortable as possible. Just another milestone (or three) that we will roll right on through!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Simple Things.

Bring on the Food.

Mom, what is this thing?
I'm not too sure...
but I'll check it out anyway.
I kind of like it!
Now...where's my food?!

She Claps!

Standing Tall.

Baby On The Go.

Being Bugged.

Brian and I often play the "who knows who best" game. I'm pretty sure that most married couples know which game I'm talking about, right?! Or are we just so alone here in OKC that we make up completely pointless games just to help keep each other entertained?! Basically, you simply ask each other questions and wait to see if they know you well enough to say the correct answer. Like...what's my favorite color? Food? Dream car? Dream vacation? Restaurant? Drink? We even ask, what do I usually order at __________ (insert name of restaurant here)? I even like to ask Brian what size of clothing I wear...and I secretly do this as a constant reminder just in case he wanted to sneak to the mall and buy me know, just because! He knows my jean size. Ring size. And most importantly, my shoe size!

Thanks to a topic that was brought up on "Here Come the Newlyweds", last night's theme was a bit different. And without thinking or caring about the repercussions of bringing up such a topic, we asked each other what bugged us the most about the other. Our answers turned out to be rather trivial and flippant (I like that word...flippant- meaning playful, giddy, or lighthearted). Anyway. It took me a minute to think of something...but then, a few different things came to mind. It drives me crazy how Brian leaves his clothes by the side of the bed and why on earth does he find it necessary to take his socks off by turning them completely inside out?! Why is he NEVER satisfied with his current vehicle and is ALWAYS looking for something different? Hence the fact that we have had sixteen...yes, SIXTEEN...different vehicles throughout our eight year relationship. Brian, however, instantly had an answer for me: clumsiness! And I know this probably comes as a surprise to a lot of you because of the fact that I was an athlete ALL throughout junior high and high school, right? RIGHT?! Brian doesn't quite understand how I even played sports because of my ability to fumble, drop, and often break whatever it is I am trying to grab. And I have to's true! I don't even know how many hand-held mirrors I have had to buy within the last few years because they always seem to fall to the ground and shatter. And my hairbrush. Serioulsy, it just flies out of my hand and across the bathroom. And my poor, poor Blackberry. Towards the end of its life, Brian referred to it as my "Ghettoberry!" OH!, how I miss that phone! I even think Brian is amazed that I have managed to NOT drop our child. But she is one thing that I PROMISE not to drop. I PROMISE, people!

I know that Brian and I do not, and never will, truly have a "perfect" relationship. I will never claim to have, nor will I ever try. I know our relationship has its flaws and it always will. Life is not always going to be easy. And there are going to be times when we struggle. We will have arguments and disagreements. But I am confident that we will always attempt to make it better. I feel that one of our best strengths is communication. We talk about everything! And it makes me feel good to know that our only current annoyances of one another are rather flippant!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Fireproof Your Marriage.

Last night was the first of six Sunday evenings that will be spent at our church. We are attending a marriage bible study based off the movie, Fireproof. The study is founded on Biblical principles for strong, God-centered, lifelong marriages. And in the end, I'm hoping that it challenges Brian and I to love better, to love first and to love for a lifetime!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Sleepless Night and a Plea.

For the very first time in six months, Rylie was bright eyed and bushy tailed at twelve-thirty last night!

I heard her cute little voice come across the monitor and with disheveled hair and squinty eyes, I rushed to her bedroom to find her standing tall in her crib. I typically just resituate her and her blanket and she falls right back to sleep. But that was not working last night. So I rocked her. I gently ran my fingers down the side of her face. I stood, swaying back and forth, with her head resting on my arm. I patted her back. I rubbed her belly. All of which she usually finds comforting. And then...I gave up. And with much hesitation, I did what all parents say they will never do: I put her in bed with us! *Gasp!* The little stinker stayed awake until 2AM! Shortly after 4:30am, I woke to find her snuggled up to Brian's back. It was back to her crib she went, where she slept for another few hours. But between two adults, one squirmy nine month old, and a dog who is constantly searching for the most comfortable spot, sometimes even taking over my pillow, and who burrows himself in and out of the covers several times throughout the's fair to say that I didn't get much sleep last night.

The time has come.

Brian, can we invest in a king size mattress? I guess then we would also have to invest in a new king size bed. With matching dresser. And matching chest of drawers. And matching night stands. And a new comforter set. While we're at it, we might as well paint the walls and change around the decor in our bedroom. What do you think?!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dr. Precious

This morning, Rylie had her nine month check-up with her wonderful pediatrician; and for the sake of keeping some kind of privacy (because I'm such a private person, right?!), I will name her...Dr. Precious. Thankfully, Rylie has stayed pretty healthy and has never had to visit in between her regular check-ups. So, she hadn't seen Dr. Precious in three months...and I was ready to hear the educated doctor reassure me that my baby really is as healthy as she seems. And she is!

Doc said that she looks problems with her ears, eyes, skin, and she's eating well and growing! She weighs 16lbs 10oz and is 26 inches long. And although she is only in the 14th and 17th percentile for her weight and height, they are very proportioned to each other so there is no need to worry. Dr. Precious said that she will probably be a petite little thing. She gave me the okay to transition Rylie to three bottles a day and increase her intake of solids. In two short months, she even suggested that I introduce whole milk so that we have a complete month to wean her from breastmilk to whole milk completely. My original goal for breastfeeding was one year. But after I returned to work and had to start pumping, I told myself that if I made it six months, I would be happy. However, after I reached the six month mark, I had a pretty good routine going and figured that I would go for as long as I could. So, back to my original goal of one year! And I'm pretty sure that I can do it!

I literally thank God, every day, for keeping Rylie so healthy.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

9 Months.


OH. MY. GOODNESS. Today, you are nine months old.

You have changed so much in the past month. Actually, you’ve even managed to drastically change in the last week. The days of laying you in the middle of the living room floor, walking away for a brief minute, and returning to find you in the exact same spot, are gone! You are extremely active and keep mommy and daddy going at all times. You haven’t really mastered perfect crawling yet, but you scoot on your stomach and can even go from your belly to a sitting position and back down again. We are constantly saying, “Where’s Rylie?” And when we peek around the corner, you are confidently sitting by yourself in some corner or quickly scooting yourself across the living room, in attempts to complete your next conquest…which usually includes chasing after Griffey’s girlfriend. Yesterday, I walked in the house to find you and daddy playing peek-a-boo! Apparently, you scooted over to the window and hid behind the drape. Daddy said that you, all of a sudden, started pulling the drape back and forth and each time, you had a new look of excitement all over your face…such fun you and daddy were having! I laughed and found tears welling up in my eyes. You are such a happy baby and that makes me so proud.

Basically, the only thing standing between you and complete mobility is learning to walk. And I have a feeling that you may learn before you even turn one year old. You often stick your booty straight in the air and stand with your feet and hands planted firmly on the ground. It’s quite amusing! And because you are already pulling yourself up to a standing position, we had to move your mattress down a level. Just last night, I watched you pull yourself up by the rail of your crib, purposely drop your binkus on the floor, and lean as far over as possible to see where it went. And after picking my jaw up off the floor, I couldn’t help but laugh. And that made you laugh. And then we laughed together. And then…you started bouncing up and down. And it was then that I realized that the mattress must go down another level.

For some strange reason, it has become quite the hassle to feed and change you. You used to contently lie on the changing table and patiently wait until mommy was finished changing your diaper and dressing you. But no…that is not the case anymore! YouMustGetUpNOW! No time for this. No waiting. Period! You have better things to do. Like play with spatulas and random pieces of Tupperware. And dinner time has turned into at least a ten minute ordeal because you are most amused by how many things you can grab around you and stick in your mouth while at the same time, attempting to still get a spoonful of a veggie or fruit- leaving quite the mess for mommy to pick up later. But regardless of how much extra effort it takes for me and daddy to get you fed, you’re still very much adored!

Rylie, you simply melt my heart. And as I will continue to grow more in love with you every single day, you will continue to grow and change and get older. And I promise…I’m okay with that. I look forward to the days when you can run in our room and climb into bed with us, or when you can tell me stories about your awesome day, when you and I can get manicures and pedicures together, and when we can make cookies together for the Holidays…oh, what great times we have to look forward to!

I can't wait...


Monday, July 6, 2009


1) A FANTASTIC visit from Grandma and Grandpa
2) Four day weekend
3) Stuffed jalapenos
4) Watching fireworks from the comfort of our own garage and backyard
5) Spending a few hours just laying around the living room floor and playing with Rylie
8) Manicures with Ruby
9) Laughing out loud with family
10) Watching Rylie be spoiled by her grandparents

Thursday, July 2, 2009

True Boy.

My brother, Robert, is a sweet natured twelve year old who has a passion for being just like his dad! Those two are like two peas in a pod- they like all the same things and enjoy doing everything together. They're buddies. I love to listen to Robert tell stories about their recent hunting or fishing excursion. And my heart melts when I watch him continuously glance over at dad, hoping that dad proudly smiles back with reassurance. Robert is a true boy. He's adventurous. Imaginative. Creative. Isn't scared to get dirty (that's kind of an understatement). Likes to play sports. And loves to fish and hunt. But the best thing about Robert is that he isn't embarrassed to show that he can be "manly" and still care about and love the women in his life...his two grandmas, his mom, two sisters, and now his niece. Robert, you make me proud!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Teething Hurts!

Oh, my poor-poor baby! She cut her first two teeth when she was only 4 months old and she didn't seem to have any problem with them. However, that is definitely not the case this time around. She is in the process of cutting at least one more tooth and I feel so bad for her. On top of that, she has allergies and they must be acting up again because her little eyes are watery, her nose has a constant flow of "mucus-uckiness", and she just doesn't look like she feels well. Her nine month check-up is scheduled for next Thursday and I'm actually looking forward to it. She hasn't gone to the doctor (thankfully) since she was six months old and I just need to be reassurred that she is as healthy as I think she is!

*Random side-note: I hate deciding whether to use the word "well" or "good" drives me crazy!*


Why is it that when an "adult" gets sick, they become pitifully dependant on someone else and regardless of what is actually going on with them, they ALWAYS talk like their throat is hurting??!! But when a baby gets sick and you can tell by the look in their eyes that they just don't feel very well at all, they still try to stay as independent as possible and still giggle, laugh, and play! Just a question...