Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Rhythms of Rylie.

Since the beginning, we have tried hard to establish and follow a routine with Rylie. And for the most part, I would say that we have been pretty successful with that. But now that Rylie is a two year old and finds it necessary to create her own routines in life...I would like to share a few sweet (or not so sweet) rhythms that she has developed of her own.

* Even though she requests that we help get her situated on the potty each time, she demands that we quickly leave the room and shut the door behind us before "doing her business".

* Every day, she insists on picking out her own clothes and dressing herself. This, almost always, results in mismatched outfits and a panic attack because she gets herself stuck in the shirt. Last week, she even went to daycare wearing her pajama top. You quickly learn to pick your battles with a two year old!

* She has a thing for clothes right now and likes to dress, and re-dress (and re-dress and re-dress!) herself numerous times throughout the day. But ultimately, if I would allow it, she would wear the same purple and green pajama outfit (it has a bear on the front that she loves) every day. And yes, this is the same pajama top that she wore to daycare last week.

* Even though her bedtime routine used to be one of the easiest and most peaceful times, things have taken a turn for the worse and for the time being, it's not such a pleasant time in our house. She gives daddy hugs and kisses, gets a drink of milk...the two of us walk to her bedroom, bow on our knees, say her bedtime prayer, she gives me hugs and kisses and I lift her into her crib. Sounds sweet, doesn't it?! But then, for the next 45 minutes, we hear, "Mommy! Mommy!! Mommy!!!" Sometimes...she asks for another drink of milk. Sometimes...she has to go potty. Sometimes...she has to give daddy another hug and kiss. Sometimes...she asks for another toy. Unfortunately, I started a bad little habit that included her little people and their bus, a Justin Bieber doll, a book and a flashlight and sometimes even her Elmo doll. Up until last night, you would find Rylie surrounded by these toys. And she would stay up for the next hour and "play" in her crib. But the time has come that I try to break this ugly habit that I created and get her back to the peaceful bedtime routine that we once knew and loved.

* Now that she is "all grown up", nobody can help her do anything! Everything is "I do! I do!" Most of the time, however, she says "me do! me do!" Which we're currently trying to correct. But our mornings have become quite hectic. She has to climb into the vehicle...all by herself. She has to climb into her carseat...all by herself. And she has to buckle herself in...all by herself. If you make it this far, you're doing great! But if you try to rush her during this little routine, she has to start all over again and begins by climbing out of her seat. It's time consuming, I tell ya'. Patience-patience-patience! Who has patience at 7:30 in the morning when rushing to get to work?! :)

* The first thing she does when she and daddy get home from daycare every day is raid the pantry. Like mother, like daughter...this girl loves to snack! Because she snacks so often, I obviously feel best when she snacks on bananas, strawberries, grapes, crackers, toast, cheese, yogurt, etc. But often times she wants her "bears!" Which are fruit snacks (a must-have in our house). Another must-have is cereal and obviously, milk.

* Without fail, every time I walk in the door from work...she screams "my mommy is home. Daddy, my mommy is home!" And she quickly runs up to me, jumps into my arms and gives me the most sincere hug and kiss. My heart. It melts. :)

Well...there you have it...just a few Rhythms of Rylie.

Good day, friends.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Calendar

Even with everything we have going on right now, I think I've been pretty calm and collective (or as much so as a 5 month pregnant lady can be anyway).

But today. Today I actually looked at the calendar and started making plans. Today I actually started to put things into perspective. Today I actually realized that most of our weekends are "spoken for" already. Today I actually feel the pressure. became real!! We are about to get super-busy.

My husband turns THIRTY in just a week and a half and my heart is breaking that I have yet to even start making plans. I had big intentions (think Vegas trip!). But the chances of making that happen right now are pretty slim to none. Think, Chas, think...what can I still pull off?!

My mom and I are going to spend some awesome quality time together at a women's retreat towards the middle of April. Praying for a blessed time!

Easter weekend will be here before we know it. I think that Easter may be one of my favorite Holidays (if not the favorite). I love everything about Easter!!

One weekend...we must clean, organize, plan and set-up for our garage sale that we hope to have in April or early May.

We need to start packing our entire house for our "temporary" move at the end of May. And try to stay prepared for our "permanent" move in August and/or September. This will require tons of organization!

Oh! and yes...there's that little thing called childbirth that will be taking place some time at the end of July.

Why must we take such big bites?! :)

But since it's still only March and I'm a bit of a (I actually mean huge) procrastinator...we're going to take full advantage of this weekend before all the craziness begins and take Rylie to the CIRCUS!!!!! I may be slightly more excited than she is.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Bachelor.

As much as it hurts to admit this...

I am a "The Bachelor/Bachelorette" fan! I even watched the Bachelor Pad. Sick. I know.

Actually...there are a few different shows that I try to follow: The Bachelor/Bachelorette, One Tree Hill, Grey's Anatomy, Brothers & Sisters...

I usually try to watch the full episodes online, after Rylie goes to bed. I guess you can say that's my..."me time." I enjoy watching TV. And movies. And apparently, I enjoy using air quotes, too. :) And making smiley faces. And using italicized words.


Tonight is The Bachelor's season finale and I'm stoked!

Did I REALLY just use the word, stoked?! Yes. Yes, I did. :)


I remember watching Brad's first "bachelor" experience and the ending left me...frustrated!!! It was he who almost turned me away from ever watching the show again. I couldn't believe that I had wasted so many Monday nights in front of the TV. I couldn't believe that he did that to us. And I remember telling Brian how cheated and played I felt as a viewer. I was mad.

But guess what? Now that I'm much older and wiser (he, he)...I applaud him! What a courageous thing to do. He took so much heat and was viewed as the "bad guy" for years! But for what? Following his heart?! Not getting caught in the moment and too wrapped up in the fantasy of the show?! Not making a decision that he already knew would have ultimately ended in further heartache and possibly even divorce?! I'm sure that decision was not easy on him. And I can honestly say that I have truly enjoyed watching him again. Now...his over-usage of the words "please" and "will you" have become a bit annoying. But for the most part...I feel that he's genuinely a sweet guy.

Now...on to the finale. I predict that he chose Chantal. And for you Emily fans...know that I, too, adored her! I thought she was super sweet. And obviously, she's a beautiful girl with perfect legs, right?! But in my opinion (I already KNOW that I shouldn't have an opinion about someone else's relationship...but the show sucks you in like that and makes you believe that you are entitled to an opinion about who they should pick...when you're clearly NOT)...I think he was more infatuated with her looks than anything else. He always seemed a bit awkward around her. But seemed much more relaxed around Chantal. The previews have me guessing...and I can't wait to watch it tonight!

Wow...I can't believe I wrote this much about The Bachelor!!!! Sorry. I commend you if you made it this far.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Big-Girl Bed.

Several months ago, Rylie climbed out of her crib during nap time. Thankfully, she didn't get hurt. But I was certain that she would attempt to climb out at bedtime, too. I figured that the days of crib-confinement were over. And we would wake to find a cold, bedheaded baby curled up in the corner of her bedroom floor (trust me. I know that's a terrible image to have. I hated the very thought of it). But, apparently, she has forgotten that she "knows how" to do that and has yet to climb out of her crib again. I don't get it, either!

But...with our new baby girl arriving in 4.5 short months, I think it might be time to adjust Rylie to a big-girl bed. Her crib converts to a full size bed. But then we would have to buy a new crib and would like one to match the changing table that we already have (which would mean that we would have to buy a very similar crib...and that just seems like too much of the same thing, you know?!). So, we are on the look-out for a twin size bedroom set (bed, night stand and 5 drawer dresser...if you know of anyone selling one) for Rylie. The new baby will use Rylie's crib and changing table. Rylie will use the twin for a few years. And then when it's time for our youngest to move to a big-girl bed, she will use the twin and we will then convert the crib to a full size bed for Rylie. Yeah...I've been doing some thinking and planning on this one!!! :) But I think it will work out great! I think I'm looking for something like this:

Without the $1200 price tag...minus the dresser and mirror piece. :)

I still don't know what colors we will do her room in...but I like the white furniture. I think it looks fresh and clean and brightens up the room. :)

I can't believe my baby will soon be sleeping in a regular bed.

Excuse me while I go curl up in the corner of her bedroom floor and cry myself to sleep.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Lack of Organization = Stressed out Momma

As I was getting ready for work this morning, it dawned on me that I am literally half way through this pregnancy...already! And it also dawned on me that I have totally slacked on taking pictures and writing down "important" dates/stats/appts. in a pregnancy calendar (which I have yet to even purchase!). I have not been as organized this second time around...and you know that's stressing me out!

But to help me remember what I will need to "back-date" in her are a few highlights of this pregnancy:

  • pregnancy test result: Nov. 22nd
  • 1st doctor's appt: Jan. 10th
  • 2nd doctor's appt: Feb. 14th...gained a total of 8 pounds since the very beginning
  • we're having a GIRL (sonogram on Feb. 25th)
  • felt her move at 16 weeks...the movements are much more faint and less frequent than what I remember the first time around
  • started wearing maternity pants at 19 weeks
  • morning sickness subsided at 15 weeks
  • heartburn is still occurring (but no longer daily)
  • ended my first pregnancy with "pregnancy carpal tunnel" and can already tell that my hands and fingers are becoming tingly and swollen :(

Yes! I already feel much more organized. :) And...I vow to purchase my pregnancy calendar tonight. Maybe that "promise" will help me remember. Speaking of things to remember...I must remember to pick up my prenatal vitamin refill tonight. Or better yet...I must remember to call in my (before I forget)!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Ugh! Discipline. We've got to, right?!

Although Rylie looks like the most preciously sweet and innocent little girl...take if from her mommy...she is! She's just as perfect as they come. She listens to every thing we say. She never shouts "no!" And she never pushes our buttons...ever!

Ha! Who am I kidding?! Just at one single glance, you can tell that our beautiful daughter is as ornery as they come. RUBY!!!! Have you been praying for a pay back? :) Because, according to my mom, I was an angel. :)

But, unforunately, Rylie's ornery behavior has caused me to feel a bit convicted (shouldn't that be the other way around?). Maybe convicted isn't the right word. But allow me to explain.

When Rylie acts out, rebels, throws a fit, shouts no!, or does anything that warrants some form of discipline, we don't just turn our back and pretend she isn't acting that way. We believe in firmly voicing our disapproval. We believe in time-out. We believe in spankings (I think). But it's the spankings that causes me to feel convicted. It leaves me questioning our method of discipline and wondering if it was just a lack of patience on our part. Is that even a method that we want to continue to use?! And if so, why does it affect me the way it does?! I understand that most parents don't enjoy spanking their children. But this has been on my mind a lot lately so I felt the urge to blog about it. And if anyone has any advice they would like to share...feel free. We're kind of new at this...given that Rylie is our first child to reach the "terrible-two's." And we've never claimed to be "parenting-pros."


I highly doubt that we become non-spanking parents (that sounds weird, lol!). But honestly, I have found that Rylie reacts better to her "discipline" if I get down to her level, speak in a very firm but quiet voice, explain what she is doing wrong and ask her to act differently. Most of the time, I have to remove her from the atmosphere that we are in so that it's just the two of us...she focuses better this way! HOWEVER, she is becoming even more stubborn than she was before. And sometimes, she reacts by arching her back while simultaneously screaming and crying and flinging her arms up in an attempt to squirm out of my hands and go back to the very thing that she isn't supposed to be doing in the first place. Whew! Now what?! We first threaten spankings. And if that doesn't help...we follow through (because I have learned from Super Nanny that follow-through is the most important part of discipline- I LOVE her!). But even though our spankings are controlled, I still can't rid the idea that a spanking might not be an effective way to discipline (for us, anyway). It bothers me. But I also want to raise our children to listen. Respect. And to behave in a nice and civilized way. Ahhhhh!!!! In most cases, I believe in avoidance. Please don't confuse this with avoiding the discipline that should follow a bad behavior. What I mean is that if a parent knows that a child doesn't behave well in certain atmospheres or during certain times throughout the day...avoid that situation. Some parents may feel that this method doesn't teach them anything and it certainly doesn't teach them how to act properly in those situations. But fair is it to place your child in a situation that you already predict will cause reason for discipline? However, I will contradict myself here and say that there are times that a parent has no choice but to take their child(ren) to a place that they predict may cause misbehavior. And then, the parent is left feeling anxious and nervous during the entire time they are there because they don't exactly know how their child(ren) will react. Then what?! :)

Wow! This parenting stuff is hard. But then again...I am an over-thinker.