Monday, March 7, 2011

Lack of Organization = Stressed out Momma

As I was getting ready for work this morning, it dawned on me that I am literally half way through this pregnancy...already! And it also dawned on me that I have totally slacked on taking pictures and writing down "important" dates/stats/appts. in a pregnancy calendar (which I have yet to even purchase!). I have not been as organized this second time around...and you know that's stressing me out!

But to help me remember what I will need to "back-date" in her are a few highlights of this pregnancy:

  • pregnancy test result: Nov. 22nd
  • 1st doctor's appt: Jan. 10th
  • 2nd doctor's appt: Feb. 14th...gained a total of 8 pounds since the very beginning
  • we're having a GIRL (sonogram on Feb. 25th)
  • felt her move at 16 weeks...the movements are much more faint and less frequent than what I remember the first time around
  • started wearing maternity pants at 19 weeks
  • morning sickness subsided at 15 weeks
  • heartburn is still occurring (but no longer daily)
  • ended my first pregnancy with "pregnancy carpal tunnel" and can already tell that my hands and fingers are becoming tingly and swollen :(

Yes! I already feel much more organized. :) And...I vow to purchase my pregnancy calendar tonight. Maybe that "promise" will help me remember. Speaking of things to remember...I must remember to pick up my prenatal vitamin refill tonight. Or better yet...I must remember to call in my (before I forget)!


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