Thursday, January 27, 2011

Potty Dance.

Shortly before Rylie turned two, I honestly felt that she was ready and so I decided to try to potty train her. We did it all!

Potty chair...check. Big girl panties (we call them chonies in our house)...check. Sticker board...check. M&M's...check. Elmo goes potty book...check.

And she did fantastically well for a few weeks. But then...she regressed. And then...I stressed. And so we then did what all "winners" do and...we quit. :)

Well, technically, we didn't quit all together. We ended up going to pull-ups and if she went in the potty, we made a huge deal out of it with high-fives and by doing the potty dance. But if she didn't make it to the potty (which was much more often), we didn't make a big deal out of it and continued to change pull-ups as often as we did diapers. So I then decided that we would just start all over again after the Holidays (the Holidays are always a good excuse, aren't they?).

Here we are...only one month after the Holidays...and I think I can say that we have a potty trained little girl (truly this time)!!! And the best thing is, she basically did it on her own!!! It started about a week ago. As soon as she got home from daycare, she would run to her bedroom, strip off her clothes, and replace her pull-up with a pair of chonies. She did this daily. So we simply started asking her if she "had to go potty" every 5 minutes!!! I'm sure she is sick and tired of that question. But every time she said yes, we rushed to the bathroom and she started to consistently "do her business" in the potty. She's had a few accidents...but that's expected. And she still wears a diaper to bed each night. But night-training is a completely different animal and truthfully, I don't even know where to start with that one. We'll tackle that later. For now, we're just thrilled that she is completely out of pull-ups during the day!!!

Way to go, Rylie!

Pregnancy Update: 14 weeks.

Today...I am 14 weeks pregnant. Which means I have officially entered my second trimester. Thankfully, my energy was restored a few weeks ago. And although I definitely still feel sick from time to time, I am starting to feel much better. I still get heartburn daily but I don't see that going away anytime soon.

I'm actually surprised at how fast my first trimester flew by. I'm sure having a two year old running around the house has helped with that. A lot of my time and energy is spent focusing on it should be! We've been talking to her about getting a new little brother or sister for a few weeks now. Of course, she doesn't really grasp how much her life is going to change and what is truly going on. But she does seem pretty excited!! I always thought that a second pregnancy would make me feel a bit guilty. I feared that Rylie would feel left out and jealous. But fortunately, I haven't been feeling that way! I do know that Rylie will inevitably get jealous when we first bring "new baby" home. But those feelings are normal and once she gets used to the baby not going anywhere...I know that she will start to enjoy him/her being around.

I'm still able to comfortably wear regular clothes. But my body is quickly changing. And it's changing quite differently than the first time around. My skin has "been there. done that." It's almost as if it "knows the drill" and is preparing a tad too early. :) I think I've gained a total of 3-5 pounds so far (I gained 40 pounds with I'm expecting that again). But it's funny to look back on pictures during my first pregnancy and realize just how different I looked. I retained a lot of water and looked quite swollen during my last trimester. My face got super round and my nose seemed to double in size. I'm sure I'll look the same this time around, as well.

Brian and I basically outgrew our first home the day that we brought Rylie home from the hospital. So, in preparation for another child, we put our house on the market several months ago. No realtors (no offense...this was strictly a money-saving decision...and we had the time to be patient). No pressure. No stress. Little marketing. We put a sign in our yard and said, "if it sells, great! If not, no worries!" And then we prayed and trusted that whatever was supposed to happen, would. And we close on the sell of this home next Tuesday!! So far, this process has been extremely streamlined and smooth. I'm sure that having no pressure and no time constraints has helped with that. But I couldn't be happier with the way things are turning out. And it gets better. Our buyers are renting an apartment and their lease is not up until the end of May. So, we are going to turn around and rent "our house" from them until then. Which gives us a few months to build again. But...I will literally be 8-9 months pregnant during our move. Yikes! Now, if this was my first pregnancy, I would totally be freaked out! Although I hope to have everything in order before the new baby arrives, I'm not going to stress if it isn't. I'm just going to heavily rely and trust that our families will "come to the rescue in our time of need!"

Be prepared, family. Be prepared. :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

And so it begins...

If you haven't already read my earlier post...this will be a slight spoiler for you. But...


12 weeks, to be exact. :)

Brian and I figured we would start trying for a second child when Rylie turned two. And much to our surprise, two months after her second birthday, I took a home pregnancy test and learned that I was expecting. But this second time around has been so very different. I had morning sickness with Rylie that lasted until the end of my first trimester. However, I only really felt sick in the evenings. This time, I've been feeling sick all day, every day! I never had any heartburn during my pregnancy with Rylie but I'm definitely making up for that now. Oh! and I have absolutely no energy and I constantly feel tired. Yet again, I never felt this way with I have to keep reminding my husband that it truly is a pregnancy thing and not just me becoming LAZY! I've been praying that all of this goes away after my first trimester (2 more weeks...yippee!). But I can't help but think of those who "suffer" with these symptoms throughout their entire nine months!!! Of course...we all know and trust that the end result is completely worth it. But trust me...noboby wants to feel like this for nine straight months. NOBODY!! :)

Because both pregnancies have been so different...a lot of people have been predicting that I am having a little boy. And until Monday, I kind of agreed. official prediction is a little girl. And I must go on record and say that if it turns out to be a boy...I will not be even the slightest bit disappointed. We'll gladly accept what we get.

My first doctor's appointment was this past Monday, January 10th. I'm seeing the same doctor who delivered Rylie. Brian went with me, again (I truly am thankful for my husband). I had an ultrasound and was completely shocked at how visible our little baby is already. There was a head. And arms. And legs (kind of). And oh! the pounding heart was just as precious as I remember!!!! The baby's heart rate was 161 (which is very close to what Rylie's always was). My official due date is July 28th. And I can't help but notice how attached I already feel to this baby!!

2011 will definitely be a year of change for us!!! But we can't be any more thrilled and excited.


During the year, 2011, we will 1) close on the sell of our first home around February 1st 2) move into our newly built home around June 1st and 3) welcome our second child around July 28th.
What a WONDERFUL way to start the New Year!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year. New Name.

There will be several changes that take place in our life this year (post about that coming soon). But among those changes…I also wanted to start this New Year with a change in my blog name. I wanted a name that wouldn’t disclose too much personal information (you know…like a first and last name would. Who would ever do something like that?!). :) So, I started playing around with different titles/names and quickly realized that I also wanted something that was much more light and fun! A name that would bring me joy (I’m all about finding the joy in life anymore!). And a name that I could grow with, literally. “All Because of You” implied that my blog was all about one child (and we do plan on extending our family). So…I simply started to think of all the things that were common in my house and that made me…smile. And one thing kept coming to my mind: BEDHEAD!

For some reason, the sight of bed head on a child just makes me smile and brings me the greatest joy. And if you’re a child of mine…you’re destined for some crazy bed head with all of those curls.

The spirit of a room created by children’s laughter and happiness (especially one filled with children who have utter bed head)…is absolutely wonderful. If you’re fully engaged in the moment, the air begins to feel lighter and all your worries and frustrations start to fade away. Trust me…even if it only lasts for a short while…being in “that moment” is magical. Every night, shortly after we all get home from work and daycare, Rylie has already stripped herself down to one piece of clothing and she has already pulled the rubber bands from her hair…leaving her with the biggest case of bed head ever! And we…laugh! That’s what we do. Our evenings are usually spent de-stressing from the work day. Relaxing. Enjoying time together as a family. And laughing as our bed-headed child runs freely through our home. And it’s magical!

I love me some bedheaded babies!!!