Thursday, January 27, 2011

Potty Dance.

Shortly before Rylie turned two, I honestly felt that she was ready and so I decided to try to potty train her. We did it all!

Potty chair...check. Big girl panties (we call them chonies in our house)...check. Sticker board...check. M&M's...check. Elmo goes potty book...check.

And she did fantastically well for a few weeks. But then...she regressed. And then...I stressed. And so we then did what all "winners" do and...we quit. :)

Well, technically, we didn't quit all together. We ended up going to pull-ups and if she went in the potty, we made a huge deal out of it with high-fives and by doing the potty dance. But if she didn't make it to the potty (which was much more often), we didn't make a big deal out of it and continued to change pull-ups as often as we did diapers. So I then decided that we would just start all over again after the Holidays (the Holidays are always a good excuse, aren't they?).

Here we are...only one month after the Holidays...and I think I can say that we have a potty trained little girl (truly this time)!!! And the best thing is, she basically did it on her own!!! It started about a week ago. As soon as she got home from daycare, she would run to her bedroom, strip off her clothes, and replace her pull-up with a pair of chonies. She did this daily. So we simply started asking her if she "had to go potty" every 5 minutes!!! I'm sure she is sick and tired of that question. But every time she said yes, we rushed to the bathroom and she started to consistently "do her business" in the potty. She's had a few accidents...but that's expected. And she still wears a diaper to bed each night. But night-training is a completely different animal and truthfully, I don't even know where to start with that one. We'll tackle that later. For now, we're just thrilled that she is completely out of pull-ups during the day!!!

Way to go, Rylie!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Rylie! Sounds like our beginning of potty training. We went to pull ups too! Maybe the girls will one day train themselves too. Thanks for the post!
