She picks up the phone to make another bothersome call to him at work.
Chas: "Brian, I need your help. I can not decide if I should go to lunch with a friend today or if I should go home and clean the house."
Brian: "ARE YOU SERIOUS? You need me to make THAT decision for you?! Do what you want."
Chas: "Okay. Thanks for your help."
(I told you I was annoyingly indecisive).
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Dear Brian,
Last night, I was so tired and was in a hurry to get to bed...I didn't even get a chance to tell Brian what an awesome father I think he is. So...
Thank you for being such a great daddy to Rylie! I love to sit and watch you interact with's the most precious thing to me. She absolutely adores you and that is proven by how she smiles the very second she catches a glimpse of you out of the corner of her eye! I am confident that you are going to be a great inspiration to our little girl and trust that you will continue to be the awesome father that you already are.
Thank you!
Thank you for being such a great daddy to Rylie! I love to sit and watch you interact with's the most precious thing to me. She absolutely adores you and that is proven by how she smiles the very second she catches a glimpse of you out of the corner of her eye! I am confident that you are going to be a great inspiration to our little girl and trust that you will continue to be the awesome father that you already are.
Thank you!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Sunday, June 21st
Today was Brian's first Father's Day. And I'm hoping that we made it just as special as my Mother's Day was. Grandma Ruby came to visit and to help us celebrate Baby Dedication at church...thanks for coming, Ruby. We enjoyed your visit very much! Without her help this morning, it's highly possible that my "plan" would not have gone as smoothly. My day started off pretty early for a weekend. I was up and making breakfast for Brian by 7:30am.
After we ate, Rylie and Griff presented Brian with his gift...a new pair of Nike kicks. We were only able to enjoy breakfast for a short while this morning because then it was time to get ready for church. But that's okay...I can honestly say that we actually look forward to going to church! Baby Dedication was today, also. So we had a very eventful morning. But it's now 9:26pm and I'm exhausted!
Off to pump I go...before gleefully jumping into our comfy bed.
Good night!
Father's Day
Letters from Rylie:
Dear Grandpa Tony,
Thank you for my daddy! I owe a lot to you because of the way you raised him. Thank you for helping him grow into the man that he is today and for teaching him to work hard for his family. Thank you for showing him support throughout his younger years and for being there for him when he needed you. I trust that you instilled great values in my daddy and know that you taught him well because he treats me like a princess...I especially like that!
Dear Grandpa,
Thank you for my mommy! I hope that my daddy and I will have the bond that you and mommy have. I hope that he will chase me around the neighborhood so that I can show him exactly how loud I can scream! I hope that he will teach me how to do a lay-up and that he has the patience you had with mommy. I hope that when I move away from home (yes, will eventually happen), my daddy and I will talk on the phone as often as you and mommy. Thank you for coming to see me as often as you do and for making me feel like the best grandbaby ever!
Dear Pa-paw,
I'm so thankful that you and ma-maw met and that you are a part of our family! I see the relationship you have formed with my cousin, Taigen...and I hope that we will have the same kind of relationship (she always seems to get exactly what she wants when she is with you and ma-maw...I can't wait!).
I hope that all three of you had a wonderful Father's day!
Dear Grandpa Tony,
Thank you for my daddy! I owe a lot to you because of the way you raised him. Thank you for helping him grow into the man that he is today and for teaching him to work hard for his family. Thank you for showing him support throughout his younger years and for being there for him when he needed you. I trust that you instilled great values in my daddy and know that you taught him well because he treats me like a princess...I especially like that!
Dear Grandpa,
Thank you for my mommy! I hope that my daddy and I will have the bond that you and mommy have. I hope that he will chase me around the neighborhood so that I can show him exactly how loud I can scream! I hope that he will teach me how to do a lay-up and that he has the patience you had with mommy. I hope that when I move away from home (yes, will eventually happen), my daddy and I will talk on the phone as often as you and mommy. Thank you for coming to see me as often as you do and for making me feel like the best grandbaby ever!
Dear Pa-paw,
I'm so thankful that you and ma-maw met and that you are a part of our family! I see the relationship you have formed with my cousin, Taigen...and I hope that we will have the same kind of relationship (she always seems to get exactly what she wants when she is with you and ma-maw...I can't wait!).
I hope that all three of you had a wonderful Father's day!
I apologize for the lack of posts lately...things have been a bit busy around here. Two weekends ago, we had family visit (mom, Mark, Dani and Taigen). And Brian and I got baptized. I wanted to post pictures of our baptism, but I have yet to receive them from the lady who thankfully volunteered to take them for us. So for the time being, check out our adorable niece, Taigen:

Friday, June 12, 2009
It's me, Griff.
Hey y'all. It's Griff! Remember me? The family dog. I got tired of reading only about my baby sis. So I decided to hack (yeah, I'm pretty smart) into mom's computer and take over her blog. And I want to take this time to remind people that I was the "first child" of the house and list a few random things that make me so special.

1) I've been pretty darn cute since the beginning. Just look at me! How could you resist? Obviously, my parents couldn't. When they met me at the gas station to take me home with them, I was the only puppy in the back of the vehicle who wouldn't sit still. As the other three puppies sat quietly in their corners, I was racing back and forth as fast as my little legs would take me. I wanted them to notice me...and it worked! My mom fell in love with me the first time she saw my rambunctious little self!
2) I am a big baby! I pretty much love my mom and dad and can't stand the thought of not being with them. I get a little nervous when I think they may be leaving me behind and I simply will not allow it. I jump into my mom's arms and will not let her put me down...I can be a bit persistent.
3) I have been with my girlfriend for four years and don't ever plan on letting her go. My mom thinks that I could do better. But even though my girlfriend now only has one ear, two legs, and no stuffing...I value loyalty and will not "go to bed" with anything else. My girlfriend has to be with me every night, or I can't sleep. Therefore, my parents can't sleep. So...I win!
4) NOTHING makes me happier than playing with my dad. I like to play fetch and tug-a-war. But my all-time favorite is attacking a blanket that someone may be trying to fold and put away. Oh, yes…and when someone is trying to evenly spread it out for Rylie. I like to get all tangled up in it and bite at the corners. That’s fun!
5) My parents really messed up when they fed me “people food” as a puppy! I will eat anything. Rice-crispy treats and beef jerky are two of my very favorites! And I know that I have my Grandpa Tony wrapped around my little paw when it comes to people food. If he’s around, I always sit by him at dinner time. He even took me to Wendy’s once and bought me my very own hamburger. What a great guy!
6) I’m not going to lie. I have to sleep with my parents every single night. I usually sleep on the left side of mom and push her to the middle. She likes to blame me for “bed-hogging” but it’s usually the only alone time I get with them now that Rylie is in the picture. So I take full advantage of this and like to cuddle. I get a few minutes in the morning, too. I usually stand on dad’s chest and he pets me…boy, that feels good!
My life sure has changed now that Rylie lives here. I’m not for sure where she came from, but one day…she just appeared and hasn’t left mom’s side ever since. At first, I was a little jealous and uneasy around her (she likes to pull at me). But I’ve become pretty fond of my little sis and now feel like it’s my job to protect her. See, I am pretty special!

1) I've been pretty darn cute since the beginning. Just look at me! How could you resist? Obviously, my parents couldn't. When they met me at the gas station to take me home with them, I was the only puppy in the back of the vehicle who wouldn't sit still. As the other three puppies sat quietly in their corners, I was racing back and forth as fast as my little legs would take me. I wanted them to notice me...and it worked! My mom fell in love with me the first time she saw my rambunctious little self!
2) I am a big baby! I pretty much love my mom and dad and can't stand the thought of not being with them. I get a little nervous when I think they may be leaving me behind and I simply will not allow it. I jump into my mom's arms and will not let her put me down...I can be a bit persistent.
3) I have been with my girlfriend for four years and don't ever plan on letting her go. My mom thinks that I could do better. But even though my girlfriend now only has one ear, two legs, and no stuffing...I value loyalty and will not "go to bed" with anything else. My girlfriend has to be with me every night, or I can't sleep. Therefore, my parents can't sleep. So...I win!
4) NOTHING makes me happier than playing with my dad. I like to play fetch and tug-a-war. But my all-time favorite is attacking a blanket that someone may be trying to fold and put away. Oh, yes…and when someone is trying to evenly spread it out for Rylie. I like to get all tangled up in it and bite at the corners. That’s fun!
5) My parents really messed up when they fed me “people food” as a puppy! I will eat anything. Rice-crispy treats and beef jerky are two of my very favorites! And I know that I have my Grandpa Tony wrapped around my little paw when it comes to people food. If he’s around, I always sit by him at dinner time. He even took me to Wendy’s once and bought me my very own hamburger. What a great guy!
6) I’m not going to lie. I have to sleep with my parents every single night. I usually sleep on the left side of mom and push her to the middle. She likes to blame me for “bed-hogging” but it’s usually the only alone time I get with them now that Rylie is in the picture. So I take full advantage of this and like to cuddle. I get a few minutes in the morning, too. I usually stand on dad’s chest and he pets me…boy, that feels good!
My life sure has changed now that Rylie lives here. I’m not for sure where she came from, but one day…she just appeared and hasn’t left mom’s side ever since. At first, I was a little jealous and uneasy around her (she likes to pull at me). But I’ve become pretty fond of my little sis and now feel like it’s my job to protect her. See, I am pretty special!
Monday, June 8, 2009
8 Months.
You are eight months old today! (Pardon the yellow nose. Apparently, the beta-carotene in baby food gets deposited in their skin and makes them turn colors- proof below.)

Mommy simply can not believe how fast you are growing and changing. You are the most precious thing and grow sweeter and sweeter as each day passes. Every day, you help remind me of the small things that make life so special! It melts my heart when you smile, bashfully shrug your shoulders up to your ears, and burrow your face into my shoulder. That simple line of gestures makes me feel like a mommy. A protector. A guardian. A caretaker.
It's crazy how having you in my life has changed me and my world. I feel like I live my life as a better person with a whole new meaning and a more definite purpose. Daddy's world has changed, too. He is now only referred to as "daddy" and that simple name change has created a more gentle, yet protective, demeanor. He absolutely adores you. He likes to make you smile and with that, comes lots of voice changes and imitations that even make mommy giggle. Thanks for bringing out that "side" of daddy. Every morning, he literally drops on all fours and sneaks up on you while you are getting your first diaper change of the day. As he slowly appears between the rails of your changing table, you giggle and squirm like crazy. Which, causes much stress on mommy as I am trying to get you clean and fresh in a new diaper. But you are teaching me patience!
For the past eight months, besides the occasional roll, you have not been very mobile. Which has allowed me to not have to really "baby-proof" every inch of the house. But things are changing and you are on the brink of being a full-fledged crawler, very close but not quite there yet. You are the cutest darn thing to watch. You sit up completely by yourself and have now started to fall forward, maneuver your legs behind you (sometimes getting one leg stuck and relying on mommy's intervention), and pull yourself towards your new favorite toy...the remote! You start at one end of your blanket and very quickly flip, flop, turn, roll, and pull yourself to the other side. This newfound "hobby" of yours has made mommy get on all fours and crawl around to make sure there is nothing on the floor that you would, ever so quickly, stick in your mouth. Why on earth does EVERYTHING go directly into the mouth? We're in trouble when you actually start crawling because our floor plan wasn't designed for baby gates!
You probably weigh close to 17 pounds now. I think you look very proportioned! And your head is still this perfectly round circle. When you were first born, everyone's first comment was that your head was perfectly shaped. When shopping for sunglasses, we will make sure to find angular shaped glasses to best compliment your round face. Anyway. You still only have two teeth that you cut very early; and don't seem to be working on any more right this moment. Your hair changes from light to dark to red to straight to curly. I have no clue what you are going to have to "deal with" when you're older. But I guarantee that whatever you end up with, you'll want the other! It's just human nature.
You still get breastmilk four times a day. But now you also get three meals a day and 2-3 ounces of water from your sippy cup. You have really caught on to the sippy cup and it serves a dual purpose because it really entertains you for at least 15 minutes. Thank God for spill-proof sippy cups...because if they weren't spill-proof, your daddy would have you wearing a full-body bib and would make you sit on a towel in the kitchen. He's kind of finicky like that! But he has adjusted and has done amazingly well with letting your toys, blankets, clothes, bouncer, boppy pillow, bumbo seat, bibs, and bottles overwhelm the house.
We often hear "da-da" come out of your little sweet mouth...but I'm still anxiously waiting to hear "ma-ma". You're teaching me patience here, too! Maybe I shouldn't have prayed so hard to God about teaching me patience. Daddy likes to answer you with, "yes, baby girl", or "daddy hears you, princess", every time you call out his name. I think it's adorable because he acts as if you are really calling for him. Well, maybe you are?! Are you?! What about ma-ma?! Don't you want me?! I'm only teasing. Of course you want me! Ma-ma is just harder to say, right? :)
Your newest thing is to really hold up your arms when we extend out to pick you up. I absolutely LOVE this!
Mommy and Daddy are getting baptized next Sunday and then the following Sunday, we are going through "Baby Dedication". We are dedicating you to the Lord and making a promise to raise you in a Christian home. I'll leave you with a sweet poem I found that fits the occasion perfectly:
A precious baby girl
The Lord has blessed you with
Sent down to you from heaven
God's precious little gift
May you know God's leading
As you raise this precious life
So she will come to know the Lord
And walk with Jesus Christ
You are eight months old today! (Pardon the yellow nose. Apparently, the beta-carotene in baby food gets deposited in their skin and makes them turn colors- proof below.)
Mommy simply can not believe how fast you are growing and changing. You are the most precious thing and grow sweeter and sweeter as each day passes. Every day, you help remind me of the small things that make life so special! It melts my heart when you smile, bashfully shrug your shoulders up to your ears, and burrow your face into my shoulder. That simple line of gestures makes me feel like a mommy. A protector. A guardian. A caretaker.
It's crazy how having you in my life has changed me and my world. I feel like I live my life as a better person with a whole new meaning and a more definite purpose. Daddy's world has changed, too. He is now only referred to as "daddy" and that simple name change has created a more gentle, yet protective, demeanor. He absolutely adores you. He likes to make you smile and with that, comes lots of voice changes and imitations that even make mommy giggle. Thanks for bringing out that "side" of daddy. Every morning, he literally drops on all fours and sneaks up on you while you are getting your first diaper change of the day. As he slowly appears between the rails of your changing table, you giggle and squirm like crazy. Which, causes much stress on mommy as I am trying to get you clean and fresh in a new diaper. But you are teaching me patience!
For the past eight months, besides the occasional roll, you have not been very mobile. Which has allowed me to not have to really "baby-proof" every inch of the house. But things are changing and you are on the brink of being a full-fledged crawler, very close but not quite there yet. You are the cutest darn thing to watch. You sit up completely by yourself and have now started to fall forward, maneuver your legs behind you (sometimes getting one leg stuck and relying on mommy's intervention), and pull yourself towards your new favorite toy...the remote! You start at one end of your blanket and very quickly flip, flop, turn, roll, and pull yourself to the other side. This newfound "hobby" of yours has made mommy get on all fours and crawl around to make sure there is nothing on the floor that you would, ever so quickly, stick in your mouth. Why on earth does EVERYTHING go directly into the mouth? We're in trouble when you actually start crawling because our floor plan wasn't designed for baby gates!
You probably weigh close to 17 pounds now. I think you look very proportioned! And your head is still this perfectly round circle. When you were first born, everyone's first comment was that your head was perfectly shaped. When shopping for sunglasses, we will make sure to find angular shaped glasses to best compliment your round face. Anyway. You still only have two teeth that you cut very early; and don't seem to be working on any more right this moment. Your hair changes from light to dark to red to straight to curly. I have no clue what you are going to have to "deal with" when you're older. But I guarantee that whatever you end up with, you'll want the other! It's just human nature.
You still get breastmilk four times a day. But now you also get three meals a day and 2-3 ounces of water from your sippy cup. You have really caught on to the sippy cup and it serves a dual purpose because it really entertains you for at least 15 minutes. Thank God for spill-proof sippy cups...because if they weren't spill-proof, your daddy would have you wearing a full-body bib and would make you sit on a towel in the kitchen. He's kind of finicky like that! But he has adjusted and has done amazingly well with letting your toys, blankets, clothes, bouncer, boppy pillow, bumbo seat, bibs, and bottles overwhelm the house.
We often hear "da-da" come out of your little sweet mouth...but I'm still anxiously waiting to hear "ma-ma". You're teaching me patience here, too! Maybe I shouldn't have prayed so hard to God about teaching me patience. Daddy likes to answer you with, "yes, baby girl", or "daddy hears you, princess", every time you call out his name. I think it's adorable because he acts as if you are really calling for him. Well, maybe you are?! Are you?! What about ma-ma?! Don't you want me?! I'm only teasing. Of course you want me! Ma-ma is just harder to say, right? :)
Your newest thing is to really hold up your arms when we extend out to pick you up. I absolutely LOVE this!
Mommy and Daddy are getting baptized next Sunday and then the following Sunday, we are going through "Baby Dedication". We are dedicating you to the Lord and making a promise to raise you in a Christian home. I'll leave you with a sweet poem I found that fits the occasion perfectly:
A precious baby girl
The Lord has blessed you with
Sent down to you from heaven
God's precious little gift
May you know God's leading
As you raise this precious life
So she will come to know the Lord
And walk with Jesus Christ
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Show Us Where You Live Friday.

I definitely dropped the ball when it came to posting pictures for "Kelly's featured room" of the week. I've missed spare bedrooms, nurseries, and offices. But even though it's not the "featured room" and it's, unfortunately, not Friday (yes, the week hasn't even started and I'm already wishing for Friday)...I wanted to share some pictures of Rylie's nursery.
Where's Rylie?!
Oh, there she is!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
We All Have These Days, Right?!
I am having such a blah day! I can not snap out of this current mood that I am in- and it's wearing me out. I feel like my feet weigh one hundred pounds. I feel tired. Anxious. Impatient. Bored. Irritated. Maybe it's the dreary look of a raining day accompanied by the icky-humid feel in the air. Maybe it's the hopeful thought that won't go away. Maybe, just maybe, I miss our families a little too much. Or maybe it's my makeup- do you gals ever just get tired of the way your makeup looks on your face?! Okay, maybe that last "reason" is a little meaningless and silly. But today has not been that great of a day and I'm searching for a good reason. It's highly possible that I am just being a baby and there is absolutely no good reason for my pessimistic attitude! I need to hug my husband. I need to kiss my baby. And I need to play with my dog. Just thinking of doing just that brought a smile to my face. I can feel usual optimistic view of life is starting to come back. I think it may have a little to do with the fact that I only have ten more minutes of this awful work day...then I'm homebound. "Yay" for comfy clothes, Brian hugs, Rylie giggles and Griffey kisses.
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