Today was Brian's first Father's Day. And I'm hoping that we made it just as special as my Mother's Day was. Grandma Ruby came to visit and to help us celebrate Baby Dedication at church...thanks for coming, Ruby. We enjoyed your visit very much! Without her help this morning, it's highly possible that my "plan" would not have gone as smoothly. My day started off pretty early for a weekend. I was up and making breakfast for Brian by 7:30am.
After we ate, Rylie and Griff presented Brian with his gift...a new pair of Nike kicks. We were only able to enjoy breakfast for a short while this morning because then it was time to get ready for church. But that's okay...I can honestly say that we actually look forward to going to church! Baby Dedication was today, also. So we had a very eventful morning. But it's now 9:26pm and I'm exhausted!
Off to pump I go...before gleefully jumping into our comfy bed.
Good night!
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