1) I've been pretty darn cute since the beginning. Just look at me! How could you resist? Obviously, my parents couldn't. When they met me at the gas station to take me home with them, I was the only puppy in the back of the vehicle who wouldn't sit still. As the other three puppies sat quietly in their corners, I was racing back and forth as fast as my little legs would take me. I wanted them to notice me...and it worked! My mom fell in love with me the first time she saw my rambunctious little self!
2) I am a big baby! I pretty much love my mom and dad and can't stand the thought of not being with them. I get a little nervous when I think they may be leaving me behind and I simply will not allow it. I jump into my mom's arms and will not let her put me down...I can be a bit persistent.
3) I have been with my girlfriend for four years and don't ever plan on letting her go. My mom thinks that I could do better. But even though my girlfriend now only has one ear, two legs, and no stuffing...I value loyalty and will not "go to bed" with anything else. My girlfriend has to be with me every night, or I can't sleep. Therefore, my parents can't sleep. So...I win!
4) NOTHING makes me happier than playing with my dad. I like to play fetch and tug-a-war. But my all-time favorite is attacking a blanket that someone may be trying to fold and put away. Oh, yes…and when someone is trying to evenly spread it out for Rylie. I like to get all tangled up in it and bite at the corners. That’s fun!
5) My parents really messed up when they fed me “people food” as a puppy! I will eat anything. Rice-crispy treats and beef jerky are two of my very favorites! And I know that I have my Grandpa Tony wrapped around my little paw when it comes to people food. If he’s around, I always sit by him at dinner time. He even took me to Wendy’s once and bought me my very own hamburger. What a great guy!
6) I’m not going to lie. I have to sleep with my parents every single night. I usually sleep on the left side of mom and push her to the middle. She likes to blame me for “bed-hogging” but it’s usually the only alone time I get with them now that Rylie is in the picture. So I take full advantage of this and like to cuddle. I get a few minutes in the morning, too. I usually stand on dad’s chest and he pets me…boy, that feels good!
My life sure has changed now that Rylie lives here. I’m not for sure where she came from, but one day…she just appeared and hasn’t left mom’s side ever since. At first, I was a little jealous and uneasy around her (she likes to pull at me). But I’ve become pretty fond of my little sis and now feel like it’s my job to protect her. See, I am pretty special!
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