Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Rhythms of Rylie.

Since the beginning, we have tried hard to establish and follow a routine with Rylie. And for the most part, I would say that we have been pretty successful with that. But now that Rylie is a two year old and finds it necessary to create her own routines in life...I would like to share a few sweet (or not so sweet) rhythms that she has developed of her own.

* Even though she requests that we help get her situated on the potty each time, she demands that we quickly leave the room and shut the door behind us before "doing her business".

* Every day, she insists on picking out her own clothes and dressing herself. This, almost always, results in mismatched outfits and a panic attack because she gets herself stuck in the shirt. Last week, she even went to daycare wearing her pajama top. You quickly learn to pick your battles with a two year old!

* She has a thing for clothes right now and likes to dress, and re-dress (and re-dress and re-dress!) herself numerous times throughout the day. But ultimately, if I would allow it, she would wear the same purple and green pajama outfit (it has a bear on the front that she loves) every day. And yes, this is the same pajama top that she wore to daycare last week.

* Even though her bedtime routine used to be one of the easiest and most peaceful times, things have taken a turn for the worse and for the time being, it's not such a pleasant time in our house. She gives daddy hugs and kisses, gets a drink of milk...the two of us walk to her bedroom, bow on our knees, say her bedtime prayer, she gives me hugs and kisses and I lift her into her crib. Sounds sweet, doesn't it?! But then, for the next 45 minutes, we hear, "Mommy! Mommy!! Mommy!!!" Sometimes...she asks for another drink of milk. Sometimes...she has to go potty. Sometimes...she has to give daddy another hug and kiss. Sometimes...she asks for another toy. Unfortunately, I started a bad little habit that included her little people and their bus, a Justin Bieber doll, a book and a flashlight and sometimes even her Elmo doll. Up until last night, you would find Rylie surrounded by these toys. And she would stay up for the next hour and "play" in her crib. But the time has come that I try to break this ugly habit that I created and get her back to the peaceful bedtime routine that we once knew and loved.

* Now that she is "all grown up", nobody can help her do anything! Everything is "I do! I do!" Most of the time, however, she says "me do! me do!" Which we're currently trying to correct. But our mornings have become quite hectic. She has to climb into the vehicle...all by herself. She has to climb into her carseat...all by herself. And she has to buckle herself in...all by herself. If you make it this far, you're doing great! But if you try to rush her during this little routine, she has to start all over again and begins by climbing out of her seat. It's time consuming, I tell ya'. Patience-patience-patience! Who has patience at 7:30 in the morning when rushing to get to work?! :)

* The first thing she does when she and daddy get home from daycare every day is raid the pantry. Like mother, like daughter...this girl loves to snack! Because she snacks so often, I obviously feel best when she snacks on bananas, strawberries, grapes, crackers, toast, cheese, yogurt, etc. But often times she wants her "bears!" Which are fruit snacks (a must-have in our house). Another must-have is cereal and obviously, milk.

* Without fail, every time I walk in the door from work...she screams "my mommy is home. Daddy, my mommy is home!" And she quickly runs up to me, jumps into my arms and gives me the most sincere hug and kiss. My heart. It melts. :)

Well...there you have it...just a few Rhythms of Rylie.

Good day, friends.


  1. Great post! Loved reading all the things that we have to look forward to with our little girls!

  2. I love this!! She is so sweet. :) I forgot if you told me if you were forsure going to the Lyons reunion? I hope to see you guys there!
