Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's Fall, Y'all.

Fall is definitely my favorite season! I love the color of the fallen leaves. The weather. The scent of fall-like Yankee candles. Candy corn. Halloween always brings back great memories of my Grandma Wilson. And it reminds me that we are approaching the Holiday season. I'm a sucker for Holidays. They create such a joyous time! I'm definitely one who likes to start decorating for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. And who starts to annoy others with the sound of Christmas music very early on. Although I wish away the cold weather the day after it arrives, I love the idea of snowflakes falling and covering the ground. I love jingles. Santa hats. Sleighs. Homes outlined in Christmas lights. Snowmen. Hot chocolate (gotta have lots of marshmellows, though). See...I'm a sucker for Holidays. Oh, and traditions. How could I forget the traditions that the Holidays bring about. Be prepared Rylie, we'll have lots of family traditions!

But back to Fall...

Today's weather was perfect. So after church and then lunch with friends, Brian and I took Rylie out and about and I got the chance to take some pictures...finally!

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