Monday, September 21, 2009
She may be cute, BUT...
Last night, she started by biting the couch. But I soon realized that she doesn't stop at the initial bite. She then clenches her teeth together and forcefully pulls until the victimized item gives way and separates from her grip. I was able to refocus her attention onto something other than the couch...but only for a very short while. It was then that she started to face plant herself into the carpet and attempt to bite it, as well.
YES-YES...this is a true story!
I tried so hard to discipline her but her big eyes were full of mischief and secretly, I found that look to be rather cute. I even caught myself giggling as I looked down at her and saw this innocent face smiling back at me. But then...she leaned over into my shoulder and bit me! I immediately gave her booty a soft swat and said in a firm voice, "NO-NO, Rylie. We do not bite!" And as she leaned into my chest (for what I thought was going to be an apologetic hug)...she bit me again!
This raises a few soon do you start truly disciplining your babies and to what extent?!
Brian and I haven't even brought up the issue of discipline and how it will be handled in our home. And now, we're quickly trying to figure it out because we do not want our child to be the one who gets kicked out of every daycare for biting. But oh my goodness...what if she is?! She does have a tendency to not listen.
For example: she loves to make a mess out of Griffey's food and water dishes. And because Griff has already taken a back seat to Rylie...I'm firm on the fact that I do not want to move his dishes because they have always been in "that spot!" But the girl will not take "no-no" for an answer.
This has become a constant routine of ours:
Rylie...crawls over to dishes. Looks over shoulder with ornery grin. Wildly dips hand in and out of water bowl. Quickly grabs handful of dog food. Sees mommy coming and frantically tries to make a run for it.
Mommy...races to her attention. Swats her little hand. Dusts off dog food residue. Sternly says "no-no!" Picks baby up. Places her far-far away from dishes.
REPEAT. over and over. until mommy gives in and places dishes on countertop, out of baby's reach.
Oh boy, we may be in trouble!
Crocodile Smiles.
I have a customer who is a Pediatric Dentist and she and her husband have been trying to convince me to take Rylie in ever since she was six months old. By then, she already had a few teeth. But now that she has eight teeth and had something going on with her upper lip that we were a bit concerned about, we decided it was time. So last week, we went. And to our surprise, everyone was a bit confused when we told them that we were taking Rylie to the dentist. They didn't understand why we would take a baby to the dentist...already!
And apparently, this is what we have to look forward to when Rylie impatiently waits in the waiting room:
However, during the actual visit, she did such a GREAT JOB! They cleaned her teeth, made note of all the teeth she already has, informed us that what we thought was abnormal was actually normal, and also told us that she did, in deed, have crooked teeth. But, obviously, there is absolutely nothing we can do about that right now. But Brian has already promised Rylie that she will eventually have "perfect teeth!" all of you who thought it was a bit odd that we were already taking Rylie to the dentist, we felt that it was the right decision for us and the dentist reassured us that it's normal...we're normal! And now we feel so much better knowing that her abnormality is actually a normality and Rylie has a new favorite stuffed animal...a bright green crocodile!
Friday, September 11, 2009
One Good Night's Sleep, Please.
I only need one good night's sleep. Just one!
And for those of you who remember me "bragging" that Rylie was such a good sleeper...the little stinker's sleeping habits have changed. Drastically.
Since the time she was three months old, she has slept from 7:30pm-7:00am. We felt so lucky. But now, our luck has turned. And for whatever reason, she has decided to get up at least once every night...usually around 12:30am. Sometimes, we can quietly sneak in her room, gently rub her belly for a few minutes, and watch her eyes shut as she falls into another peaceful state of sleep. But other times, her cry quickly turns into a playful grin as she sees either of us walk through her door. And then she lets out a cute little giggle and wants to stay up for the next hour or two. And because we have replayed that exact situation many times in the past three weeks, we have decided that it's now time to let her "cry it out." But let me tell you...that is NOT easy!
Last night was awful! I heard her start fussing around 12:30am. And in a great attempt to catch her before she became wide awake, I raced to her room, resituated her, and tried to tip-toe (literally) out of her room...hoping that she would fall back to sleep.
Nope, not last night.
She cried. And cried. And cried.
I rocked. Patted. Rubbed. Swayed.
She slept.
I placed her down in her crib.
She woke up. And cried until I returned to the side of her crib. And then she smiled. And as long as I stayed still, staring down at her...she was content.
One hour later...
I'm still standing by the side of her crib. Her eyes still wide open! But no tears. Until I walk away, that is. But this is when I was reminded of our plan to let her cry it out. I knew she wasn't wet, cold, hurt, or hungry. So the next thirty minutes is broken into five and ten minute intervals in which she would cry and then I would comfort. Cry...comfort. Cry...comfort. And this is when daddy stepped in and tried to help because I was about pull out my hair. By this time...not only is it 2:30am and I have a needy baby...Griff begins his nightly routine of whimpering, whining, and scratching. Apparently, he needs attention at night, too.
But at 3:00am, both daddy and Rylie come crawling into bed with Griff and I. And we all sleep.
And what seemed like one minute later, my alarm clock is ringing at 6:00am and it's time to start another day after another restless night.
Oh well! Sleep is overrated.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
What Mommies Do:
are not ashamed to be seen, wearing the same sweat pants as the day before and still not wearing any make-up; can go a few days without washing our hair; live our days in two hour increments driven by our baby's feeding schedule; never know what day of the week it is and FORGET IT if you think we will know the actual date; recognize that it takes us at least 2 full hours to leave the house; feel rested if we get three consecutive hours of sleep; begin a crazy addiction to lysol spray and hand-sanitizer; start keeping anything and everything as a keepsake; truly understand the meaning of unconditional love; can go a full day without eating and not even realizing it until we're too exhausted to make anything; become oblivious to the fact that every inch of our living room is covered with baby clothes, bibs, burp rags, blankets, books, toys and in my case, the best-item-ever-invented...the bouncer; wonder if our life will ever go back to what we thought was "normal"!
Later, we...
become even more aware of our new obsession to GERMS!; learn to relax when we hear our baby make any noise and can actually hold ourselves back from running to discover that nothing is wrong; realize that Grandparents only know how to spoil their grandchildren; have an even greater understanding of unconditional love; are comfortably able to remove the blanket that has been covering the carseat while out in public; trust that our parents do know what they are talking about and listen to their advice instead of trying to do it "our newly-invented way"; are reminded of what it's like to get eight consecutive hours of sleep; start to get our old body back and can fit into our pre-pregnancy clothes again...hallelujah; can't remember what life was like before baby and start creating a new "normal"!
Nearly one year later, we...
can't remember the last time we left the house without a diaper bag, high-chair cover, puffy stars, and toys...lots of them; have a solid routine again; don't think twice about singing and dancing in the aisles at Wal-Mart; order things off the menu that we don't normally get all because we want to be able to share with our baby; can't carry on a conversation without talking about our family at least once; understand that time spent with our baby is invaluable; appreciate sleeping in until 7am; honestly feel that sleeping until 7am is actually sleeping in; "normal" to us is being called "ma-ma" and wearing all the many hats that a "ma-ma" wears!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
11 Months.
Wow…that kind of confused mommy.
You are eleven months old and this new stage you are in is oh! so much fun! You are crawling…fast. Pulling up…on everything. Cruising…like no tomorrow. Babbling…about everything. Eating…like a champ. Sleeping…not so great. Playing…joyously. Laughing…from your belly. Discovering new things…daily.
One thing that I regret doing is always wishing for that next step in your life to happen. Before you were rolling over, I wanted you to roll over. Before you were sitting up, I wanted you to sit up. Before you were crawling, I wanted you to crawl. You get the picture, don’t you?! But now that you are on the brink of walking and being a one year old…I wish that I wouldn’t have been so eager for you to “grow up.” But one thing is true…each new step and stage in your life has been grand! And they just keep getting better and better. This next year, I promise to not wish away our time. I’m going to fully enjoy each new phase and not even think about what’s coming next. Because before I know it, you will be turning two years old.
SMACK!...there I go again. I haven’t even managed to finish writing this letter and I’m already talking about next year.
Moving on.
A lot has happened this past month. You went on another camping trip, more teeth came in (this makes seven), you started cruising with the help of anything and everything, discovered that you prefer sleeping with mommy and daddy, started taking baths in the big bathtub (sans the infant seat), learned to throw fits where you arch your back and throw yourself backwards, learned that spitting out your food and smacking away the spoon tells mommy and daddy that you must be full, realized that it is fun to dance, and have learned that daddy is as soft as they come. Unfortunately, you have also discovered that mommy’s ring and plastic sacks are not good things to chew on and that you can not play with Griffey’s food and water. You are starting to hear the words “NO-NO!” a lot more often and have taught mommy and daddy that you can be a bit more stubborn than we even realized. “NO-NO!” currently means nothing to you. But your ornery and guilty grin tells us that you at least know there is a difference.
You are starting to become quite the little helper.
You really like to help mommy clean out the fridge…
You are truly a miracle.
Hugs and Kisses, little missy.
Monday, September 7, 2009
A Visit From Grandma and Grandpa.
One thing that became apparent over the weekend is that Rylie adores her Grandpa Tony! She followed him everywhere and they just laughed and played all weekend was a fun thing to watch.
But as all other great weekends do...this one is coming to an end.
And as we say our goodbyes and watch them drive away...
we pray for their safe return home and look forward to seeing them again soon!
AnD tHe CoUnTDoWn BeGiNs...
Here's a sneak peek of what you can expect:
Friday, September 4, 2009
Let's Celebrate.
It's a three day weekend.
Brian's parents are here.
I get off work early.
It's going to be a great day. And in addition to all things mentioned above, Rylie is at home, spending time with her grandparents.
We don't exactly have anything planned for this weekend. But in my experience, those weekends usually turn out to be the best. One thing that will definitely have to happen is buying and making things for Rylie's birthday party. Which, by the NEXT month. Can you even believe that it's already been one year?! But, in preparation for the party, there is still a lot to be done. And I'm actually going to try to make and create a lot of the stuff myself...with help from my talented mother-in-law, of course! The guest-list has been created and the date, time and location have been decided. Now it's time to start working on invitations, centerpieces, food displays, and the birthday girl's outfit.
The only other thing that is probably a "must" for this weekend is a visit to Ted's Cafe Escondido.
Can I get another...yippee?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Mary Kay.
Interested...a little.
Going to do it...maybe?!
And I know that some of you are already screaming out loud, "NO! Don't get sucked in to that!!!" Right?! But here are some of my thoughts:
Brian and I asked God to be in our lives several months ago and I can definitely tell a difference in the way I think, act, love, appreciate, pray, and more the way I live my life. I recognize that He is working in our lives and can feel that He is helping us live a life that glorifies Him. I pray that He directs our "path" by closing doors and opening windows. I pray that if certain things are in His will for us, they happen effortlessly. Now that is not to say that I expect things to be easy. But I know that if I give it all to my God, He will not disappoint.
A few months ago, I was thinking of ways that I could stay at home with my precious baby girl, but still bring in some kind of an income. And selling Mary Kay actually came to mind. I already wear Mary Kay make-up; so at the very least, I could earn a little extra money and get my make-up at half price. And if I plan on staying at home in a few years and giving up my income anyway...I have nothing to lose and everything to gain, right?!
Last week, I was invited to be a "model" for a Mary Kay Consultant training class. And for the sole purpose of earning a $20 gift card for going...last night, I hesitantly went with the assumption that it was going to be another awkward and boring Mary Kay party. But to my surprise, I truly enjoyed myself and even felt extremely motivated and inspired. I stayed late and visited with a Sales Director and was convinced that this could really work for me! Mary Kay has been a successful business for 46 years and the company is 100% debt free! The company was founded by a woman who wanted to create a business that could enrich women's lives and allow them to live a life in the right order...God first, family second, and career third. Honestly, what business do you know of that allows you to end a meeting with a prayer?! Mary Kay Ash (founder of Mary Kay), helped pave the way for women to be able to work, earn money and still be able to stay at home with their kids. And if this works for me, I will be forever grateful! I was moved and touched and am seriously thinking about becoming a "Mary Kay Beauty Consultant!" I know, I seems very cheesy, doesn't it?! But like I mentioned before, I have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I think a lot of people have this negative perception when it comes to "selling" Mary Kay. At least, I know I do. Which is why I am a bit skeptical about the whole idea. But honestly, it WORKS...for some women, anyway. And why can't I be one of those "some women?" In the Mary Kay monthly magazine, they disclose how much money some women are earning and just as an example, Bob Stoops' wife earned a $20,000 paycheck last month alone! And she isn't even the highest paid Director. I think that people feel that it's "too good to be true" and "too easy." But if you want your "business" to work, it's not going to be easy. There is work involved. You can't just sit back and expect people to come to you and when they do, you earn a hefty paycheck. That's not how it works. And no, I'm not going in thinking that I will be making $20,000/month. Although that would be AMAZING...I'm keeping it real here!
I have always been very career-driven and like bringing home a paycheck to help provide for my family. But spending time with my baby is more important to me now. Take yesterday, for example. Because I work an 8-5 job and had something to do after work, I only spent a combined two hours with Rylie...and that breaks my heart! And if I get involved and find out that Mary Kay is going to work for me, I can quit my job...eventually, hopefully earn just as much (possibly even more) as I do right now, and be able to spend so much more time with Rylie. I will be in charge of my own growth, be rewarded with great gifts, get my make-up at half price, and most importantly, I'm hoping that I will become passionate about my newfound career and make a living by doing something that is motivating and inspirational to me!
After talking it over with Brian last night, I have his support. So I am meeting with the same Sales Director today for lunch and if you know me at all, you know I already have a list of questions for her! I am taking this very seriously and am praying that if this is what God wants me to be doing, then things will work out! Maybe I will be the next Mary Kay success story?!
Wish me luck...