I only need one good night's sleep. Just one!
And for those of you who remember me "bragging" that Rylie was such a good sleeper...the little stinker's sleeping habits have changed. Drastically.
Since the time she was three months old, she has slept from 7:30pm-7:00am. We felt so lucky. But now, our luck has turned. And for whatever reason, she has decided to get up at least once every night...usually around 12:30am. Sometimes, we can quietly sneak in her room, gently rub her belly for a few minutes, and watch her eyes shut as she falls into another peaceful state of sleep. But other times, her cry quickly turns into a playful grin as she sees either of us walk through her door. And then she lets out a cute little giggle and wants to stay up for the next hour or two. And because we have replayed that exact situation many times in the past three weeks, we have decided that it's now time to let her "cry it out." But let me tell you...that is NOT easy!
Last night was awful! I heard her start fussing around 12:30am. And in a great attempt to catch her before she became wide awake, I raced to her room, resituated her, and tried to tip-toe (literally) out of her room...hoping that she would fall back to sleep.
Nope, not last night.
She cried. And cried. And cried.
I rocked. Patted. Rubbed. Swayed.
She slept.
I placed her down in her crib.
She woke up. And cried until I returned to the side of her crib. And then she smiled. And as long as I stayed still, staring down at her...she was content.
One hour later...
I'm still standing by the side of her crib. Her eyes still wide open! But no tears. Until I walk away, that is. But this is when I was reminded of our plan to let her cry it out. I knew she wasn't wet, cold, hurt, or hungry. So the next thirty minutes is broken into five and ten minute intervals in which she would cry and then I would comfort. Cry...comfort. Cry...comfort. And this is when daddy stepped in and tried to help because I was about pull out my hair. By this time...not only is it 2:30am and I have a needy baby...Griff begins his nightly routine of whimpering, whining, and scratching. Apparently, he needs attention at night, too.
But at 3:00am, both daddy and Rylie come crawling into bed with Griff and I. And we all sleep.
And what seemed like one minute later, my alarm clock is ringing at 6:00am and it's time to start another day after another restless night.
Oh well! Sleep is overrated.
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