Dear Rylie,
Today, you are one month shy of being one year old. There are twelve months in one year. So take twelve minus one and you get…eleven months!! Good job, baby!
Wow…that kind of confused mommy.
You are eleven months old and this new stage you are in is oh! so much fun! You are crawling…fast. Pulling up…on everything. Cruising…like no tomorrow. Babbling…about everything. Eating…like a champ. Sleeping…not so great. Playing…joyously. Laughing…from your belly. Discovering new things…daily.
One thing that I regret doing is always wishing for that next step in your life to happen. Before you were rolling over, I wanted you to roll over. Before you were sitting up, I wanted you to sit up. Before you were crawling, I wanted you to crawl. You get the picture, don’t you?! But now that you are on the brink of walking and being a one year old…I wish that I wouldn’t have been so eager for you to “grow up.” But one thing is true…each new step and stage in your life has been grand! And they just keep getting better and better. This next year, I promise to not wish away our time. I’m going to fully enjoy each new phase and not even think about what’s coming next. Because before I know it, you will be turning two years old.
SMACK!...there I go again. I haven’t even managed to finish writing this letter and I’m already talking about next year.
Moving on.
A lot has happened this past month. You went on another camping trip, more teeth came in (this makes seven), you started cruising with the help of anything and everything, discovered that you prefer sleeping with mommy and daddy, started taking baths in the big bathtub (sans the infant seat), learned to throw fits where you arch your back and throw yourself backwards, learned that spitting out your food and smacking away the spoon tells mommy and daddy that you must be full, realized that it is fun to dance, and have learned that daddy is as soft as they come. Unfortunately, you have also discovered that mommy’s ring and plastic sacks are not good things to chew on and that you can not play with Griffey’s food and water. You are starting to hear the words “NO-NO!” a lot more often and have taught mommy and daddy that you can be a bit more stubborn than we even realized. “NO-NO!” currently means nothing to you. But your ornery and guilty grin tells us that you at least know there is a difference.
You are starting to become quite the little helper.
You really like to help mommy clean out the fridge…
Wow…that kind of confused mommy.
You are eleven months old and this new stage you are in is oh! so much fun! You are crawling…fast. Pulling up…on everything. Cruising…like no tomorrow. Babbling…about everything. Eating…like a champ. Sleeping…not so great. Playing…joyously. Laughing…from your belly. Discovering new things…daily.
One thing that I regret doing is always wishing for that next step in your life to happen. Before you were rolling over, I wanted you to roll over. Before you were sitting up, I wanted you to sit up. Before you were crawling, I wanted you to crawl. You get the picture, don’t you?! But now that you are on the brink of walking and being a one year old…I wish that I wouldn’t have been so eager for you to “grow up.” But one thing is true…each new step and stage in your life has been grand! And they just keep getting better and better. This next year, I promise to not wish away our time. I’m going to fully enjoy each new phase and not even think about what’s coming next. Because before I know it, you will be turning two years old.
SMACK!...there I go again. I haven’t even managed to finish writing this letter and I’m already talking about next year.
Moving on.
A lot has happened this past month. You went on another camping trip, more teeth came in (this makes seven), you started cruising with the help of anything and everything, discovered that you prefer sleeping with mommy and daddy, started taking baths in the big bathtub (sans the infant seat), learned to throw fits where you arch your back and throw yourself backwards, learned that spitting out your food and smacking away the spoon tells mommy and daddy that you must be full, realized that it is fun to dance, and have learned that daddy is as soft as they come. Unfortunately, you have also discovered that mommy’s ring and plastic sacks are not good things to chew on and that you can not play with Griffey’s food and water. You are starting to hear the words “NO-NO!” a lot more often and have taught mommy and daddy that you can be a bit more stubborn than we even realized. “NO-NO!” currently means nothing to you. But your ornery and guilty grin tells us that you at least know there is a difference.
You are starting to become quite the little helper.
You really like to help mommy clean out the fridge…
You are truly a miracle.
Hugs and Kisses, little missy.
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