She has always been a spirited child. And as she continues to grow into her own...she continues to become even more spirited. And wild. And sassy. And loud. And enthusiastic. Throw in some moments of pure sweetness. But quickly go back to playful. Rylie loves her little sister and has definitely taken on the role of "big sister" with pride! But we have to be careful because she tends to be a little rough. :) It's just her nature.
I want to document a few things that Rylie has been saying/doing lately...just so that we remember:
"'re my best fwiend. I love you!" This definitely tops the list. :)
Shortly after I put her down for her nap, she calls out, "mommy...I wake up!" No honey, you have yet to even close your eyes.
"Scuse me, mommy!" You're excused, Rylie.
Unfortunately, she's growing through this stage where she simply does NOT listen. We can tell her something 50 times a day but she continues to do it. And when we tell her not to do something, she replies with..."I'm just playing." Or..."I'm just looking." As she holds out her arms and shrugs her shoulders. And here lately, when she wants to do something that she knows she isn't supposed to do...she'll say, "mommy...move!" Basically, she wants me to leave the room so she doesn't get into trouble. Clever little thing. :)
"Mommy...I have to go potty. Go WIT me!"
"I wanna brush my teef."
"Rylie, do you want a cheese omelet?" Rylie says, "YES! I want a cheese-on-it!"
After a very long, yet successful, shopping trip...I "rewarded" Rylie with a happy meal from McDonald's. The lady asked me if it was for a male or female. Obviously...I said female. On our way home, Rylie kept saying, "mommy...I want my female." :)
Even at this young age, Rylie is proving to be quite opinionated. She already tells me...every single she wants her hair. And I HAVE to do it the way she wants it (which can sometimes be difficult to determine)...or we have a meltdown! She'll tell me if she just wants it curly with a bow. One pony tail or two. High pony tail, low pony tail or side pony tail. Bangs or no bangs. AAhhhh!!!! Pay-backs are not fun...I was SUPER picky. I remember not wanting to wear jeans for YEARS because I didn't like the way the zipper area looked??!!
Rylie's birthday falls on a Saturday this year and I'm so excited to get back to Kansas to share this special day with our family!! She chose to have a tinkerbell party this family, get your pixie dust ready. :)
Missing your posts!