You would think that moving to an apartment with no cable would give me more time to keep up with my blog, wouldn’t you?! But ironically, the opposite has happened.
Please allow me to back up a few weeks…2 weeks and 4 days, to be exact.
By this time, you may remember that Brian and I have sold our first home and have started the process of building our second. But since our second is yet to be completed, we have no choice but to move to an apartment for a few months. So come May 20th, Brian and I have managed to slowly pack up our home and transport most of our belongings to storage…keeping out just the necessities (picture bare-naked walls, people!). My in-laws graciously volunteered to help move the rest of our stuff to the apartment. So the next day and a half is full of several trips back and forth between our “old” home, the storage building, and the apartment. My MIL shampooed the carpets in every room and made sure that I was taking lots of much-needed breaks (my back will killing me by this point). Thank you so very much, Tony and Ruby!!
By Sunday, we were settled into our apartment and the time had come to make our final walk-through at our “old” home. Although this was obviously our choice and trust that this is the right time for our family to make this move, I’m sure you already understand that it comes at a very bitter-sweet price.
I tried not to get too consumed with the feelings of sadness because I realize that, in the big picture, it is “just a house!” And I’m assuming this will not be our last move. But I’m not going to say that it was easy. After all…this was Rylie’s first home; and there were so many different “firsts” that we experienced with her. And it was her pink room that provoked the most emotion from me. But after a very short, yet emotional, break-down…I wiped away the tears and smiled. We left a “welcome home” card and some candy on the bar for our buyers and, for the very last time, walked out the door!
And now…for the next 11 weeks and 3 days…we get to experience “apartment life” with a dog, a 2 ½ year old, a baby on the way, no cable, smelly carpet, a dripping faucet, spiders, loud-walking neighbors, and barking dogs.
But hey…there’s a pool! And an end in sight. :)
Wow! You are so busy! I hope you are getting plenty of rest and enjoying every minute of your adventure. Can't wait to see pictures of the new baby and new house!