Ever since my love for scrapbooking started to make my head spin and my sense of perfectionism robbed me from that joy…I started to rely on Shutterfly to help make me “appear to be creative!” It is so easy to use and offers a quick way to put together a very “modern-day” scrapbook! I have used them several times before and have been able to create some very memorable gifts. One on-going project that I will continue to do is in regards to my daughter’s birthday parties. I have decided to create a photo book for each party. First one titled: Rylie Turns One. Second one titled: Rylie Turns Two. And so on. By the time she reaches 18, she will have an “encyclopedia”, if you will, of her birthday celebrations! I am so thrilled about this project and know that she will appreciate this gift once she gets older (it’s a good thing I had a little girl first because I’m a bit cheesy like this and let’s be real…boys do not care about stuff like this!). :) You can get started with you own photo book, here: http://www.shutterfly.com/photo-books.
In addition to their photo books, Shutterfly also offers some very creative and fun Holiday cards.
Like this one:

Or this:

We are using Shutterfly for our Christmas cards this year and I can’t wait to work on them! I guess I better get started since today is already the 8th of December and we’ve already received a few in the mail!!!! I’ve always been a bit of a procrastinator. Want a chance to “earn” 50 free Holiday cards? Click here!
And with the start of the New Year right around the corner…what about a personalized calendar for a parent and/or grandparent? That would make a great gift, too!
Every year I make a recap calendar for the family. They are always a hit. I just received my Christmas cards from them this year and they are wonderful. Shutterfly is awesome!!!