Friday, October 15, 2010

I Have Been Tagged!

This little "blog world" is so fun! And it's just crazy how you can literally grow actual "friendships" through it. Take, for example, my blog friend...Lindsey. She is married to Ryan; who happens to be someone who I literally grew up with. Ryan and I both come from the same small town in Kansas and he was 1 of the 63 people I graduated high school with. Although we lost touch after graduating, years later, we eventually ran into each other at a mutual friend's wedding. That is where I met Lindsey for the first time. I think we were introduced and that was about it. And then, we never saw or talked to each other again. Fast forward several years...and Lindsey and I were reconnected when we discovered each other's blogs. We, bloggers, find ourselves truly relating to one another because it seems as though we have so much in common! And just by checking in on her blog regularly, I seriously feel like I know her. Strange, huh?! It's definitely been nice reading her stories and getting to "know" her, though!

And now...on to the "you've been tagged" portion of this post. :)

Lindsey tagged me in this fun little questionnaire. And since she already admitted to "cheating"...I figured it was okay for me to do the same (instead of coming up with my own 8 questions, I will use hers (that she got from her other blog friend (who probably got from her other blog friend))):

1) What is your favorite part of the day?
I guess I don't really have just one favorite because there are several parts of my day that I truly enjoy. But I do absolutey love my mornings with Rylie!! Although they can be a bit trying at times when we are rushing to get out the door in time, I love waking her up. She stares up at me, wiping the sleep from her eyes with total bed-head...and smiles! It's as simple as that...but it's precious and adorable (so irresistable that sometimes, I literally crawl in her crib and cuddle up next to her...sight to see, for sure!).

2) What is your favorite meal?
I love a good ole' batch of chicken and noodles with mashed potatoes and a home-made roll!!! Mexican is great, too (but I agree with can't be too authentic). Ted's Cafe, anyone?!

3) What is your morning routine?
Alarm clock goes off at 5:20am and I roll out of bed at 5:30am. Jump on the treadmill, do some crunches and the shower by 6am (wish I could work out longer than that but I don't allow myself enough time and I think I would start to dread my morning i keep them short and sweet). By 7:15am, I'm in Rylie's room, experiencing my answer to question #1...and as long as I haven't crawled into her crib...we are out the door by 7:30-7:40am. Work by 8-8:10am.

4) If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go?

5) If you could do any home improvement to your house without money being a problem, what would you do?
I don't want to improve my current home...I just want it to sell so that we can move into a much larger home. But I guess I just answered the question...more square footage!!!! Create more of an actual porch. Add an office. Add an up-stairs bonus room. Add a guest bedroom. Enlarge our closet. Turn our 2-car garage into a 3-car (keeping Brian happy). Am I asking for too much???!! :)

6) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I'll be 37 years old...I pray that Brian and I are happy and content. We have two children. Rylie will be 12 years old with a younger brother/sister. I'm sure, by then, our life will be even more revolved around what is going on with our children.

7) Do you have a hobby?
Blogging. Photography. Planning parties. Decorating. If I had more time, I think I would enjoy baking.

8) Why did you start blogging?
5 years ago, Brian and I moved to Oklahoma and unfortunately, we left all of our family and friends back in Kansas. I like to write. And I wanted a place to "journal" about our life. I also figured this would be a really good place for our parents to keep in touch with their grandchildren and know what's going on in our life here in OK. It's been fun getting to know the other bloggers and read about their lives, as well. I get a lot of great recipes and hear a lot of uplifting and spiritual stories!! I really just enjoy it!


1 comment:

  1. Yay!! I loved your post. :) Thanks for the shout out!

    Now that we're back in Kansas and a little closer to you guys, we really should try to hang out some time. Do you guys ever make it to KC? If not we could try to meet somewhere in between. We have to meet Miss Rylie! Don't you and Ryan have a ten year reunion coming up this year?
