Saturday, September 4, 2010


Rylie absolutely adores each one of her grandparents. And I've mentioned this before...but it's so neat to see how she interacts with each of them so differently.

She tends to be very lovable around Grandma. Peaceful around Grandpa. Ornery around Ma-maw. Lively around Pa-paw. Playful around Granny.


adventurous around Gramps!

This is a typical weekend spent at Granny and Gramps' house...

And this is Gramps' alpha dog, Ace...

He's a pretty awesome dog. Who likes to hunt! And who tilts his head like this every time I raise my camera. :)

"Gramps" happens to be my daddy! And I proudly declare that I have the best dad in the world. Really. It's that simple.

Gramps- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: A Gramps is someone who spoils and loves his grandchild wholeheartedly. Worldwide, there is only 1 who wins the "Best Gramps" award and he belongs to Rylie. The term can also be defined as brave. Courageous. Spirited. Determined. Adventurous. Hard-working. Outdoorsy. Loving. Accepting. Fun.

See Also: Fishing. Hunting. Camping. Canoeing. Pigeon Catching.

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