Sunday, August 29, 2010
Training: 201
I think to say that she is completely potty trained is a bit premature. But...we have made great strides this weekend ("she's" actually the one making great strides...but this is definitely a family effort- potty training takes a lot of time and patience from the parents, no doubt).
The last time I wrote, I was a bit discouraged. And now, I laugh at myself because once again, like many stages throughout parenthood, I find myself looking back and realizing that what I thought was going to last forever, only lasted three (fast) weeks. :) And by now I'm sure you've guessed that I didn't give up after that first night. However, I did change my approach. And instead of going straight to panties, we started with good ole' pull-ups!
I'm sure that you working moms can attest to the fact that children behave much differently for their babysitters, right?! I don't quite understand why they do this...but Rylie is proof that they do. According to "nana", Rylie hasn't had one accident since the first day I dropped her off wearing only her pull-ups. But for three weeks, I could not get her to "go" consistently at home. And to be honest, for the first week...I couldn't get her to "go" at all in the potty. But, persistent we became. And although she continued to have accidents...we continued to take her potty chair everywhere!
And now, I proudly declare that she has not had a single accident (during the day, anyway) all weekend long. And this is huge...considering we spent four hours at the zoo yesterday!!
...and if you want to witness two very mature adults going crazy over poop in the potty...come visit our house!! :)
Great job, Rylie!!
Your daddy and I are so proud of you.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
1) 4 hours of fun at the zoo with the McAlisters
2) 3 hour nap (for both baby and I)
3) 2 mile run on the treadmill
4) freshly baked chocolate chip cookies (which totally counteracts item #3)
5) Rylie has gone THREE days without having ONE accident (we're potty training)- Go Rylie!
6) we GET to go to church tomorrow morning
7) settled on a theme for Rylie's 2nd birthday party...which is about one month out...whoa!!
8) heard some fantastic news from a friend (yep, I'm keeping that one vague)
9) perfect weather to relax outside this evening...which we did!
And even though it drives me crazy to end with 9 items instead of 10...
Number 10 isn't coming to me fast enough so I've decided to be strong, ignore my OCD tendency, and go to bed now. :)
Good night.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Happy Anniversary, Brian!
~The Birthday Girl~
But my husband was especially good to me this year. After a steak dinner at home, I was given a homemade card that included a personalized message and two tickets that completed what would later become our Saturday night date. We enjoyed a chocolate cake fresh from La Bagette. And then I was handed this...
...a Pandora charm bracelet. :) Love it. He started me off with a dog charm (representing Griff, of course), a baby booty, a heart charm, one that represents love, faith and peace, and a good friend bought me an angel charm. So...if you're ever trying to decide what you want to buy me...I still have a lot of bracelet to fill- he, he! :)
That following Saturday, Brian treated me to an adult-only dinner at Charleston's Steak House (we couldn't remember what that was like...but I must say that not having to worry about Rylie throwing food on the floor and trying to stand up in her high-chair was a nice treat). Then, he took me to the Warren where we watched the movie, Inception, from the idea of the "perfect" date!
I don't know if Brian realizes this or not...but he set the bar pretty high for next year. :) Can't wait to see how he clears it.
Here's to another year...
Friday, August 6, 2010
Training: 101
Poster Board
"Big girl" panties
Can you guess what we are attempting this weekend?!
With help from Elmo, of course, we are...
And already, on our first night, I'm discouraged. And a bit scared.
Rylie has been giving us all of the "right" signs that she is ready to be done with diapers and move on to "big girl" panties (or so we thought). She was talking about the potty and would often times run to the bathroom, frantically try to pull down her pants, and shout, "POTTY-POTTY!" Within the last few months, we have been casually taking her to the potty in the mornings...and she actually went, several times. She seemed proud, confident and brave. So to be honest, I thought this was going to be "easy".
Call me crazy. But I was ready to start. Prepared. And Eager.
I made a "potty chart". Bought a bag of M&M's to serve as her "reward" for going in the potty. Purchased "big girl" panties. Pull-ups for the night. And reserved a seat on our couch for the weekend. We weren't planning on leaving the house and even though I forgot to buy a plan was to take her to her potty every 30 minutes and help teach her that wearing a diaper is only temporary. :)
After showing her the potty chart and walking through the steps with Elmo, I was very excited and giggled a little when she walked away wearing only her panties. She had two accidents tonight. Expected? Yes. But the last accident left her terrifed! And I mean...terrified! And from that point on, tonight, she would not even let me put the panties back on her. She threw them. Screamed. And wanted nothing to do with the potty. And the last thing I want is to push her and scare her away even more.
So now...I'm left confused?! Do I wait until she is showing more signs and try again later? Or do I push through and attempt it again first thing tomorrow morning?!
I do understand that what works for some mommies might not work for others. And what works for some children might not work for others. And I do trust that, along with the obvious guidance from the parents, the child will eventually learn that diapers are much less appealing than they once thought.
But tonight. The diaper reigns.
And this discouraged mommy is tired. :(
Good night, friends.