Monday, June 21, 2010

Twenty Plus Months.

OMGoodness! Rylie. She's 20 (almost 21) months old.

Would you like to know what she has been up to lately?! Good. I’ll get started then.


weighs 25 pounds
stands 35 inches tall
is late for her 18 month check-up

Forgive me, as I take a break to make a quick phone call.
Appointment scheduled for July 1st at 8:15am. Moving on.


is still wearing size 4 diapers
has gone “pee-pee in the potty” several times already
wears 18-24 month clothing
wears size 4-5 shoes
is learning her colors…one foam alphabet letter at a time
still has my curly hair...and my nose
still has daddy’s eyes…and lips…and according to family members, has picked up his “walk”

She loves…

the warmer weather
playing outside
her whale pool
ranch dressing
ice cream
yogo bites
streaking throughout the house
all of her grandparents (they each have their own, unique relationship with her)

She adores...

her uncle "bobert"

My baby. My Rylie bug. My little Missy. She's nearly 21 months old. Is so much fun. Teaches me patience every day. And gives new meaning to life.

Keep growing strong and healthy, baby girl!

Cheers. To Summer!

To all of my family members and to the few “loyal readers” that I still might have…I’m sorry for the lapse of time between my last post and this one. Our family sure has been staying active. But…I’m BACK!

Today is the first official day of summer; yet, we’ve already experienced 95-100 degree temps, stormy nights, softball diamonds, abnormally large but ever-so-pesky junebugs, out of control grass (I said grass…NOT gas), sleepless nights in a camper followed by awesome days spent with family, large hats and swimsuits, sunscreen and mosquito wipes, water parks…

And we still have so much to look forward to!

Just a few weeks ago, we spent a weekend at the Great Wolf Lodge and had a blast! I can honestly see us taking our kid(s) there every 1-2 years. It was seriously that great of a time. Rylie was a bit nervous about the water. But after a full day of her being tightly wrapped around my neck, she learned to relax and enjoy the pool. And the mini frog slide. And the fountains of water sprouting from the ankle deep water. And the music. And the tipping buckets. And get the picture.

She ended up loving it!

We spent this past weekend with my dad’s family at “the puddle” (pictures coming soon!). We just booked a trip to Orlando, Florida, where we will celebrate the 4th of July. We would like to spend an afternoon at the zoo. Hope to have family down for a few visits. We have a new niece who will be making her appearance basically, any day now; which means…another quick trip to Kansas. My birthday is in August. Followed by our 4th wedding anniversary. And we also put our house back on the market. I think we outgrew our current home the day we brought Rylie home from the hospital. :)

Needless to say, our lives have been…will be…and will continue to be…BUSY! But honestly, does life ever settle down?! And if so…what would be the fun in that?!

Cheers. To summer!