Sunday, August 30, 2009

Eventful Weekend.

It's a beautiful Sunday evening. Brian is mowing the lawn and I'm watching Rylie cruise around the house! She loves to "walk" around the table, bracing herself by the chairs. And she always make a point to go to the window sill where she peeks under the curtains in hopes of seeing her daddy outside! Just a few seconds ago, I looked around the corner to find her sitting under the table, reading her book. And now she's back to playing musical chairs. She is always on the go. And it's very surreal to watch her walk from furniture to furniture. Earlier tonight, she made it from one side of the room to the other by walking along the edge of the fireplace. It's strange because I can not picture her walking, completely unaided. She seems too young...and maybe a little too short. I know being short doesn't have anything to do with walking. But picture a six month old baby walking, and you'll get what I'm talking about. She just seems so little.

We had a very eventful weekend...

Friday night was the first night, in a very long time, that I went out with "the girls!" I didn't leave the house until 7:30pm; but we went to dinner at a japanese steakhouse (very entertaining) and then went to the movie, The Time Traveler's Wife...which didn't start until 9:50pm!! Even though I missed being at home with my family, I felt that it was good for me to get out by myself for a night. Of course, I called to check in...ten times! Nah, I'm only kidding. But I did call to check in and Brian was doing just fine without me...even though he didn't get Rylie to sleep until 10:30pm.

Saturday night, we went to dinner with some friends at an authentic German restaurant. And after laughing over the menu and finding out what Schnitzel was...we all ordered the Smoked Bratwurst and fried potatoes. How original, I know! And it was during dinner that I discovered why Brian rarely gets Rylie dressed. See anything wrong with these pictures:
(her shirt is on backwards!)
(and yes, I specifically took those pictures so that I could post them on my blog!)
And after church, grocery shopping, napping, cleaning, laundry, and bathing's now Sunday evening and I'm exhausted...but it's almost time for bed. Yippee!!!
Good night, friends!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Ready or not...

Lately, I have not been able to find a lot of time to write on my blog. I do not spend a lot of time on the computer while I'm home because I have a ton of other stuff I should be doing instead, i.e., feeding, changing, rocking, bathing, and playing with Rylie, cleaning my house, cooking dinner (*gasp*...yes, when Brian lets me in the kitchen, I do cook), laundry, and just spending quality time with my family. I usually find time while I'm at work (like right now), but I've actually been staying pretty busy. Which has been great because my days go by faster and I leave here feeling productive. But I enjoy writing and I like to give "my readers" something to read when they check my blog. So...I'm taking a little time today to write. But now that I've wasted a few minutes simply explaining that I have not had a lot of time to write and another few seconds writing this last sentence...I'll leave you with something a little more worthwhile!

Although we all know, without a doubt, that Rylie is Brian's child...there can be absolutely no denying it now that she is showing us her true personality! She is loud and verbal but that is easily hidden by her quiet and bashful act. She is smart, funny and can brighten your day with a single giggle. She is bold and confident but can also be very gentle and sweet. She is short-tempered and a bit stubborn. And if you know Brian at all, I'm sure you will agree that she must be just like her daddy! The only thing that worries me is that when you mix my impatience with Brian's short-temper, you may not be ready for what you get!

But ready or comes Rylie!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Camping Trip #2.

Well, we're off...again! We're really excited and look forward to spending the weekend in a cabin at the lake with Brian's family. I'm very thankful that we will be sleeping in a cabin this time around and just hope that Rylie will sleep a little better than she did during our last camping trip (remember...we only managed to sleep in the RV one night).

Brian's parents have been married for 31 years. He has two brothers. His oldest brother is married and has a son; and his youngest brother is married, has a daughter, and a son on the way! I love his family and truly enjoy spending time with them. It's been a while since we have seen them and it's been an even longer while since we have all "camped out" and slept at the same place. I can't wait to take lots of pictures and to just spend good, quality time with the family...we don't do this as often as we should!

"Talk" to you next week...

Goodbye, Mrs. Caretaker. Hello, Nana.

Last Wednesday, I was told that Mrs. Caretaker was going to have to close for two months. Mrs. Caretaker has been with Rylie since she was three months old. And from the moment we met her, we had a sense of peace and comfort knowing she was going to be the one taking care of our precious little girl. We like her. We trust her. And we are lucky to have her in our life.

As you all know, going back to work has been harder on me than expected. But the fact that we really trusted that Rylie was in good hands made all the difference in the world! Rylie truly enjoyed going to her home and I like to say that she made several good "friends" while she was there. But as of yesterday, Mrs. Caretaker will not be the one watching Rylie. She has full intentions on reopening November 1st; but so much could happen between now and then. So we've decide to take it day by day and see how things go.

The fact that we only had one week to find another in-home daycare may seem like a stressful situation. But honestly, our "problem" was so minute compared to the reason Mrs. Caretaker has to close in the first place. Her adorable son, who is a little over one year old, has to have his second heart surgery...the first one being less than six months ago. Although the circumstances are a bit overwhelming and hard to accept, we are all optimistic and trust that the Lord will take great care of him and his family. Not one day goes by that I don't pray for this blonde haired cutie and his family.

And if you are wondering...yes, we were able to find another in-home daycare provider and Rylie will start going there on Monday. I got her name and number from an employee who takes her two year old daughter there. So Brian and I met with her on Tuesday and felt really comfortable with her. Going forward, I will refer to her as "nana"...because apparently, that is what all the children call her. Isn't that sweet?! I know that Rylie will be just fine; but making this sudden change breaks my heart for her. Yesterday was hard because I kept thinking that "Rylie has no clue that she might never see Mrs. Caretaker again!" And yes, that probably seems a bit dramatic...but I'm a DRAMATIC PERSON! And stuff like this is hard on me. But by putting 100% trust in God and realizing that this is out of our control, we will get through it and things will work out great...I have faith!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Grandma Ruby.

We Have Arrived!

Well, actually, I like to think that we “arrived” several months ago. But this morning, it really hit me. We have this “baby thing” down! Our routine is solid and our schedule is almost always predictable! Just to put things into perspective: this morning, as I was driving to Rylie’s babysitter’s house, using the exact same route as every other time, I looked down at the clock and read 7:18am. By 7:18am I had managed to work-out, shower, get ready for work, get Rylie up, change her, fix her hair (you should have seen it this morning…poor baby has my frizz!), feed her breakfast, brush her teeth, pack her diaper bag, and load up the car…ALL before 7:20am!! I MUST have broken some sort of record?!

Well, probably not.

But I did feel pretty darn good about our morning!

Goodbye, trusty pump.

After 10 months, 7 days, and what felt like 912,358,456,875 hours, I have made the decision to quit pumping. Rylie is now completely on formula. Which, by the way, stinks…literally. Because my goal was one year, I feel a slight bit disappointed in myself. But at the same time, I am proud that I was able to return to work full-time and continue to provide Rylie with breast milk for the first 10 months of her life. I am confident with my decision and the best thing is that I no longer have to find a secluded area to sit (all alone), breast pump in each hand, staring at the wall for 10 minutes at a time, 5 times per day. I no longer have an extra bag (le’ pump) to carry around. And I have reduced the number of bottles I have to wash every day by 7 (not to mention all of the counterparts that go along with it). See proof below:

Now, at the top of my closet, you will find my pump safely stored next to my maternity clothes.
It’s kind of surreal to think that I will never use it again until we have our second baby. And actually, I will hopefully never have to use it again PERIOD…provided I get to stay at home when we have our second baby. This is definitely more bitter-sweet than I imagined it to be. Forgive me as I wipe away a few tears.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

10 Months (plus 3 days).


I’m sorry…but mommy is a few days late this month. But three days ago, you turned 10 months old!

The countdown to your first birthday celebration has started and I already feel a bit behind with the preparation for the party. But I really enjoy planning parties so this will be fun. I just can not believe that you are this close to turning one year old already. But between full-time jobs, a baby, booked calendars and weekend trips planned out for the next three months…life is BUSY!

Speaking of weekend trips…

You and I just got back from our very first alone trip back to Kansas…hence me being three days late with your letter. Daddy stayed in OK because he had a golf tournament on Saturday and we were going for a bridal shower that he wasn’t necessarily invited to anyway. You did fabulous!!! I am extremely proud of the way you handled the six hour (what should have been 4.5 hour) car ride! You slept for the most part of the trip; but even when you were awake…you did pretty darn well considering the only thing you had to look at was the, ever-so-entertaining, creamy-colored leather seat you were facing. I did have a few extra toys dangling from your car seat and I strategically placed several toys up front with me so that I could hand you a new toy when you got bored of the other ones. But your keys, purple spoon, mommy’s sunglasses and her cell phone can only entertain for so long. We were able to break up the trip by stopping by to visit mommy’s friend, Tess…who recently bought a house. And then we were able to pick up Aunt Dani and your cousin, Taigen. Having them during the latter part of the trip was nice and refreshing! We stayed at ma-maw and pa-paw’s house…but also got a chance to see Grandma Ruby, Grandpa Rick and Granny Peg. You even got introduced to your Great Grandma and Grandpa. You must have touched Great Grandpa's heart because the smile he had on his face never disappeared as he watched you climb all over your car seat (which happens to be your new favorite game!).

You also recently experienced your first camping trip. You and I only managed to sleep in the RV one night. But overall, I think you had a good time. Or at least I’m hoping that you enjoyed it because we have two more camping trips planned before the end of summer.

Now that you are 10 months old, I have seen a new brave soul emerge! You have completely mastered crawling, and do so very quickly. You figured out how to pull yourself up about a month ago; but now you have learned to cruise along whatever it is you are holding on to. I keep telling daddy that you are too brave for your own britches because you sometimes try to hold on with only one hand and will even attempt to move over to the next piece of furniture. But you are not quite ready for that yet…so you usually fall on your padded booty. But I am guessing that we will have a “walker” in about one month.

Although you are pretty comfortable in “your world” and will go to just about anyone without crying…I think you are starting to become a little mommy’s girl! I absolutely LOVE THIS! You always burrow your little head into my chest and have started to turn away from others who are reaching out to grab you. You even cried for me when I left you at your babysitter’s house the other day. I didn’t necessarily like this because I knew I had no choice but to leave you there...and I want you to know that I miss you TERRIBLY while I’m at work….but some day I will be able to stay at home with you and your little brother or sister! That time can’t come soon enough for the both of us.

You still only say “da-da”…but you say it loud, clear, and often! And your laugh, baby girl…oh! your laugh! It’s the most precious thing I have ever heard. Your little personality is really starting to come out and I think you may have a bit of an ornery side. You sometimes turn a little rambunctious and go a mile a minute. But you are so much fun! Each one of your grandparents adores you and wishes that they could spend more time with you…and hopefully, sooner than later, they will be able to. Mommy will keep praying hard, I promise!

Between two more camping trips, a bridal shower, your first birthday party, and a wedding…you have a very busy two months ahead. And that will throw us right into the Holidays. Wow!…the year 2009 will be over before we know it.

Turning the page to another chapter, we begin your eleventh month of life. You sure are creating an amazing book!

I love you, “little missy!”


Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Day of Surprises!

Twenty-six years and one day ago...I was born! And my 26th birthday turned out to be even better than expected.

First of all, my cell phone started beeping at me by 6:30am and didn't stop until after 9pm. Thank you for all the sweet birthday wishes!

Also, a very thoughtful and kind co-worker of mine not only made a delicious dessert for me, but she also gave me the new trifle bowl that it was presented in. Thank you, Cynthia! I can't wait to use the bowl at Rylie's birthday (which is the main reason I "needed" this bowl so badly, lol)! I also need three apothecary jars...hint, hint...wink, wink.

But it was during my trip home for lunch that I discovered that my day would be spent doing other things than working...which was perfectly fine with me! As I pulled into our addition, I was greeted with balloons and a happy birthday sign. Then I was greeted with more balloons and another sign in my front yard. After walking through my banner covered back door, I immediately saw a cake and a birthday present (thank you Jim and Theta!) sitting on my table. But the surprises were not over. I was then greeted by my mom and her husband, who were hiding around the corner! This may not seem like that big of a deal to those of you who get to see your parents every day. But you see...they made a 4.5 hour trip just to help me celebrate my birthday!!! Our afternoon was spent shopping, hanging out and playing with Rylie, and eating at...yes, you guessed it, Ted's! Thanks for coming, mom and Mark. I'm glad you made it home safely. And for those of you who couldn't make the trip...I COMPLETELY understand and will see most of you this weekend!

And for the rest of you who are wondering what my awesome husband bought me...I got a digital video camera!! And I already feel this intense pressure to become the next Steven Speilberg! Nah...I'm only kidding. But I do think that I will have the most talented actress to work with.

Thank you, everyone, for thinking of me on my birthday.