1) Tomorrow is FRIDAY
2) Being able to blame "bed hogging" on Griff (he seriously pushes me to the middle of the bed every night...it's his fault, not mine)
3) Finding Griff sleeping by the side of Rylie's crib (I like to think he's protecting her)
4) Watching Rylie smile at Griff as he gets closer and closer to her face...I knew he would eventually like her
5) Eating dinner with my family, at the table, every night
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Grace. Day 8.
1) Cookies "n" Creme Hershey's Kisses
2) Rylie's 6 month pictures came in today...super cute
3) Clean kitchen...thanks, again, to Brian (I told you I have the best husband ever!)
4) Homemade beef jerky (yep, Brian did it again!)
5) ADORABLE baby leg warmers:
2) Rylie's 6 month pictures came in today...super cute
3) Clean kitchen...thanks, again, to Brian (I told you I have the best husband ever!)
4) Homemade beef jerky (yep, Brian did it again!)
5) ADORABLE baby leg warmers:
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday Mornings.
Brian and I have made the choice to commit to a church and try to go every Sunday. And we have quickly learned that it takes us two hours to get ready and leave our house on Sunday mornings.
Feed Rylie...check! Shower...check! Make myself "presentable"...check! Bathe and dress Rylie...check! Pack diaper bag...check! Pack purse (yes, it needs "packing", too)...check! Don't forget to pump (already for the second time)...check! Spare "just-in-case" bottle warm and ready to go...check! Load the car...check! Oh wait, back inside I go. Find any toy that doesn't make a noise but will keep Rylie distracted and content...okay, check!
And so far, we have managed to only slip through the closing doors with not one second to spare...but, most importantly, we are there!
Feed Rylie...check! Shower...check! Make myself "presentable"...check! Bathe and dress Rylie...check! Pack diaper bag...check! Pack purse (yes, it needs "packing", too)...check! Don't forget to pump (already for the second time)...check! Spare "just-in-case" bottle warm and ready to go...check! Load the car...check! Oh wait, back inside I go. Find any toy that doesn't make a noise but will keep Rylie distracted and content...okay, check!
And so far, we have managed to only slip through the closing doors with not one second to spare...but, most importantly, we are there!
Grace. Day 7.
1) Getting off at 4 today
2) A&W Root Beer
3) Looking forward to Adam Lambert's American Idol Performance...GO ADAM!!
4) Local Pastor possibly visiting our home tonight...we're getting involved in a church
5) Cute bangles
2) A&W Root Beer
3) Looking forward to Adam Lambert's American Idol Performance...GO ADAM!!
4) Local Pastor possibly visiting our home tonight...we're getting involved in a church
5) Cute bangles
Monday, April 27, 2009
Grace. Day 6.
1) Monday's work-day is over...thankfully
2) Homemade flour tortillas
3) Watching Brian play with Rylie on the floor
4) AT&T's website serving as the bearer of bad news instead of me...our cell phone bill was $50 higher than normal...oopppss!!!
5) Being able to shop in the little girls section at Target...much cheaper that way (even though I have to buy a size L and it has to be a "good" find...not everything works...after all, I do find them in the "little girls" section and I am a professional adult, right?!)
2) Homemade flour tortillas
3) Watching Brian play with Rylie on the floor
4) AT&T's website serving as the bearer of bad news instead of me...our cell phone bill was $50 higher than normal...oopppss!!!
5) Being able to shop in the little girls section at Target...much cheaper that way (even though I have to buy a size L and it has to be a "good" find...not everything works...after all, I do find them in the "little girls" section and I am a professional adult, right?!)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Grace. Day 5.
1) Church and lunch with friends
2) House is clean and laundry almost complete
3) Husband making a strawberry pie
4) Baby finally napping...she was pretty fussy and was fighting going to sleep
5) Brothers & Sisters is on tonight
2) House is clean and laundry almost complete
3) Husband making a strawberry pie
4) Baby finally napping...she was pretty fussy and was fighting going to sleep
5) Brothers & Sisters is on tonight
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Grace. Day 4.
1) Spending every minute of the day with Rylie
2) Finding good deals at Gordman's
3) Redecorating my kitchen for $50
4) Sleeping in with my family...all 4 of us
5) Not having ONE thing to do tonight
2) Finding good deals at Gordman's
3) Redecorating my kitchen for $50
4) Sleeping in with my family...all 4 of us
5) Not having ONE thing to do tonight
Friday, April 24, 2009
Grace. Day 3.
1) Watching Brian read to Rylie
2) French manicures
3) Rocking Rylie to sleep...so peaceful
4) Giving Rylie a bath...she loves it
2) French manicures
3) Rocking Rylie to sleep...so peaceful
4) Giving Rylie a bath...she loves it
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Grace. Day 2.
1) Daily chats or text messages with my mom (another way to help pass the time while I pump)
2) Sugar cookies
3) Making Rylie laugh out loud
4) Cuddling with Griff
5) Random calls from my husband
2) Sugar cookies
3) Making Rylie laugh out loud
4) Cuddling with Griff
5) Random calls from my husband
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
During one of my sporadic "blog browsing" sessions (a.k.a., "bad habit of checking my blog while I'm at work and getting hooked" sessions), I stumbled across a challenge that I would like to accept. It's called: Grace in Small Things. Basically, it serves as a daily reminder to take notice of the positive things we tend to overlook. I am choosing not to allow the noisiness of life to rob me of the time and energy to be mindful of myself and those I love and to recognize the grace that exists in small things. The challenge is to write 5 positive things that have graced my life (anything!) each day, and continue doing so for 365 days. However, I am not committing t0 365; rather, I would like to down-size the challenge and take it day by day. If I make it 10 days...great! 20 days...super! 50 days...I may have more time than I realize! 100 days...I probably better spend more time doing other things than blogging! You get the picture?! But for however long this lasts...it should be fun!
Grace #1
1) Sweet Tea
2) Fun game on Blackberry- this helps the time go by faster when I pump (10 minute sessions, every 3 hours...EVERY DAY...you can only imagine how slow it goes when I forget my phone and have to sit, breastpump in each hand, staring at the wall)
3) Two BIG windows in office
4) Cooking dinner with Brian while Rylie watches from her Planet Jumperoo
5) Warm weather
Grace #1
1) Sweet Tea
2) Fun game on Blackberry- this helps the time go by faster when I pump (10 minute sessions, every 3 hours...EVERY DAY...you can only imagine how slow it goes when I forget my phone and have to sit, breastpump in each hand, staring at the wall)
3) Two BIG windows in office
4) Cooking dinner with Brian while Rylie watches from her Planet Jumperoo
5) Warm weather
Monday, April 20, 2009
Appreciating Brian!
Since when is there a day called "Husband Appreciation Day"? Seriously...did anyone know about this?! Apparently, people celebrate this day the third Saturday of every April. Unfortunately, my husband didn't get showered with extra love, appreciation, or gifts of any sort yesterday. And because I'm feeling a little guilty (and want to make up for it just in case there is a "Wife Appreciation Day" that I don't know about)...I figured I would brag about him for a while...because he is DEFINITELY brag-worthy! Here is a list of why I have the best husband EVER:
1) cooks dinner every night.
2) cooks breakfast usually every Saturday or Sunday.
3) cleans.
4) washes dishes- which include LOTS of bottles and breastfeeding "tools".
5) vacuums.
6) deep cleans the bathrooms.
7) washes our vehicles...using q-tips to clean in the vents.
8) has the cleanest garage- to the point that everyone notices it and usually has to comment about it.
9) keeps up with our landscaping and plants flowers in the spring.
10) irons my clothes every night (yes, we are obsessed with wrinkle-free clothing).
11) grocery shops.
12) shops with me.
13) enjoys spending time with my family.
14) cares about quality "family" time.
15) has plans for our future.
16) works hard at what he does for a living.
17) is honest and reliable.
18) treats Griff (our dog) like another child...and isn't ashamed or embarrassed by it.
19) is adored by his daughter.
and lastly...he is able to:
20) put up with my indecisive, complusive, list-making, frantic, over-stressed self! I even annoy myself...and you know that's bad, lol!!
Brian is such an amazing friend, husband and father...I love him and appreciate him more than he knows!
1) cooks dinner every night.
2) cooks breakfast usually every Saturday or Sunday.
3) cleans.
4) washes dishes- which include LOTS of bottles and breastfeeding "tools".
5) vacuums.
6) deep cleans the bathrooms.
7) washes our vehicles...using q-tips to clean in the vents.
8) has the cleanest garage- to the point that everyone notices it and usually has to comment about it.
9) keeps up with our landscaping and plants flowers in the spring.
10) irons my clothes every night (yes, we are obsessed with wrinkle-free clothing).
11) grocery shops.
12) shops with me.
13) enjoys spending time with my family.
14) cares about quality "family" time.
15) has plans for our future.
16) works hard at what he does for a living.
17) is honest and reliable.
18) treats Griff (our dog) like another child...and isn't ashamed or embarrassed by it.
19) is adored by his daughter.
and lastly...he is able to:
20) put up with my indecisive, complusive, list-making, frantic, over-stressed self! I even annoy myself...and you know that's bad, lol!!
Brian is such an amazing friend, husband and father...I love him and appreciate him more than he knows!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Empty Bassinet
For those of you who have been wondering…yes, Rylie has been sleeping in her own room since Monday night. And by far, this has been the hardest transition for me. I cried. And as Brian tried to comfort me by saying, “Chas, she is just growing up”, I cried even harder. The hardest part about Monday night was looking over to see an empty bassinet by the side of my bed. I felt so…unsettled! I was scared that she was clear across the house from me, nervous that I couldn’t see her exact position and the placement of her blanket, guilty because she was all alone, and more simply…I was lonely! I felt as if I hadn’t seen her in a week and I missed her terribly. That first night was rough! I can honestly say that I really didn’t sleep much at all. Each time I heard something come across the monitor, I darted down our hall-way, raced through our living room, zipped around the corner, and charged through the door to her bedroom. ..only to find…what?! A sleeping baby! Thankfully, the transition didn’t seem to bother little Miss Rylie. So, she peacefully sleeps in her crib and each night I become a bit more comfortable with the fact that, paraphrasing Brian, “our little girl is growing up!” Can you even begin to imagine what I am going to be like when she goes off to school for the first time, goes to her first sleepover, her first date, drives a car, or….OMGoodness…she will eventually even move away from home. I can’t stand the thought of it…so, from now on…I’m going to take it day by day, soak it all in and relish these days we have with her! Thank you, God, for blessing us with Rylie!
Here is how we found her Tuesday morning:
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Easter Weekend
Another Holiday...come and gone already! And although I love to visit our family, it really causes me to get homesick. And the long weekends only make it more difficult to leave Rylie again. I sure do wish that I could stay at home with her and turn my occupation into full-time mommy! BUT...I know that me working will help us give Rylie the life that I dream for her. Even though the Holidays can be a bit stressful with all the traveling and with living in only a chaotic resemblence to our routine at home, Rylie had a great 1st Easter. She was showered with lots of love and even had her first visit from Mr. Easter Bunny! She was spoiled with books, stuffed bunnies, a mini-golf set (Brian hopes to turn her into his "golfing buddy"), baby food, hair bows, and even got a bright purple tu-tu...ADORABLE! Although she obviously can't eat candy, I assured her grandparents that their generosity of candy-giving will not be wasted! I definitely have a sweet-tooth!
Here are a few pictures of our weekend:
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
6 Months.
Dear Rylie,
You are 6 months old today.
I can't even begin to tell you how much you have changed my life! The past 6 months have gone by too fast, but they were amazing! And I only look forward to what we get to experience in the 6 months to follow. You have helped me grow tremendously. You make me want to be a better person...a better mommy! Your innocence is endearing! I love that your mind has not been corrupted with scary stories or movies, bad words or even monsters under the bed. You are so fearless at this point and have a sense of trust that I could only wish for. It's guaranteed that your contagious smile will brighten any day!
You weigh 15lbs, have two teeth, roll over (still only from back to stomach), and are extremely close to sitting up on your own. The little amount of hair you do have is thin and blonde- and I'm sorry to say, but it seems a little frizzy (you get that from me). You still sleep in your bassinet but once we get back from visiting family in Kansas this weekend, I'm determined to move you to your own crib. Not that I want to, but it's just time! You eat rice cereal every morning for breakfast and we have just recently added a veggie in the evenings as part of your "dinner."
You are 6 months old today.
I can't even begin to tell you how much you have changed my life! The past 6 months have gone by too fast, but they were amazing! And I only look forward to what we get to experience in the 6 months to follow. You have helped me grow tremendously. You make me want to be a better person...a better mommy! Your innocence is endearing! I love that your mind has not been corrupted with scary stories or movies, bad words or even monsters under the bed. You are so fearless at this point and have a sense of trust that I could only wish for. It's guaranteed that your contagious smile will brighten any day!
You weigh 15lbs, have two teeth, roll over (still only from back to stomach), and are extremely close to sitting up on your own. The little amount of hair you do have is thin and blonde- and I'm sorry to say, but it seems a little frizzy (you get that from me). You still sleep in your bassinet but once we get back from visiting family in Kansas this weekend, I'm determined to move you to your own crib. Not that I want to, but it's just time! You eat rice cereal every morning for breakfast and we have just recently added a veggie in the evenings as part of your "dinner."
I love how you rub your eyes when you get tired or when you are enjoying your bottle (which I proudly say still holds breastmilk).
I love when you extend your arms out in hopes that I will pick you up...and without fail, I quickly dip down and scoop you into my arms each time. Selfishly, I love when you cry when I leave the room. Of course, I don't love to hear you cry, but it makes me feel good that you recognize my existence and need me. I love your mini temper tantrums...only for a little while longer, I'm sure. But you squeeze your fists together and scream for some kind of attention...and I think it's adorable! You just cuter and cuter, Rylie!
Some of your favorite things are: mommy and daddy, our nightly rocking sessions, bath time, your planet jumperoo, your "book", your binkus (pacifier), q-tips (you really enjoy when I clean your ears...it must feel good), and although I don't have the BEST voice, you still enjoy hearing mommy sing "Rock-A-Bye Baby" (which, by the way, I just realized there was more than one verse- who knew?).
Thank you for bringing so much joy to our lives! I love you more and more each day!
La Baguette...here I come!
Last week I was the best wife ever...this week, I need to make another trip to La Baguette to help smooth over the fact that I drove the car into the garage wall. YES...I did just that! Before we bought Brian's truck, my car was all alone in the garage...with plenty of space. As a matter of fact, Brian often made fun of me for parking the car in a diagonal position...taking up as much room as I wanted. It's fair to say that I enjoyed the fact that I had a lot of space and didn't have to worry about squeezing my car into a tight spot. However, things changed when we bought his truck. Now, I have to slowly drive in, trying to simultaneously avoid the side of the garage and the side of his truck...but getting as close as possible to the garage wall to avoid slamming my car door into his truck when getting Rylie's carseat out! I quickly became a pro and mastered the art of perfect parking...until Monday, that is. That's when it happened- I drove the car straight into the garage wall!! I'm not proud to admit this...but it happened! And now that Brian's "precious" garage is slightly damaged and the car has a few scrapes and bruises...I'm hoping that Brian gives in and moves his truck so that I can go back to diagonally parking in the garage!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Happy Birthday, Brian!
My husband's 28th birthday is today! However, Brian feels that he doesn't just get one birthday...he gets a birthday month. And he informed me on Friday morning that it was already the 3rd and he hadn't received one gift. Little did he know that his sneaky little wife had something planned for that morning. We bought Brian a truck a few weeks ago and ever since, he has been looking for nerf bars to put on it. So...I observed and made certain that I knew exactly which ones he wanted (he is extremely picky)! With a little anxiety and guilt, I "stole" his truck Friday morning and took it to a vehicle detail shop where they installed them for me (Brian drives a company vehicle to and from work so when I say "stole", I mean "easily took"). I also made sure to have the truck back in the drive-way before Brian got home from work. So when he pulled around the corner that afternoon, his spirits were lifted when he saw that his truck now has shiny chrome, 3-inch, round, Westin E-Series nerf bars attached (yes, I did my research)! I know...I'm the best wife EVER! Well, at least I made some brownie points with my husband. We also had some great friends of ours...Nicole, Sos, Jett, and "baby" Samuelson visit this weekend. We hosted a BBQ Saturday evening and to add a few more brownie points, I bought Brian's FAVORITE dessert...a Fresh Fruit Tarte made fresh at La Baguette Bakery:

Brian usually doesn't get too excited for dessert...but that wasn't the case on Saturday. He proudly showed off his "Tarte" a few different times before actually cutting into it. I love to see him so happy! If only I could justify paying $28 for ONE dessert...I could keep him giddy forever. All-in-all, we had a great weekend. All 3 couples that came over for the BBQ had a child (and two girls were pregnant again). So I got to be reminded of how it was when Rylie was 2 months old, see how she might act when she is 2 years old, and pray that she is just like Jett at 4 years old...such a good little boy!

Brian usually doesn't get too excited for dessert...but that wasn't the case on Saturday. He proudly showed off his "Tarte" a few different times before actually cutting into it. I love to see him so happy! If only I could justify paying $28 for ONE dessert...I could keep him giddy forever. All-in-all, we had a great weekend. All 3 couples that came over for the BBQ had a child (and two girls were pregnant again). So I got to be reminded of how it was when Rylie was 2 months old, see how she might act when she is 2 years old, and pray that she is just like Jett at 4 years old...such a good little boy!
Brian and I randomly, but often, burst out singing the Applebee's birthday song. So, here's to you, Brian:
It's your birthday...Happy, Happy Birthday! Nah, nah-nah, nah, nah Nah-nah, nah, nah Nah-nah, nah, nah-nah, nah...Hey! Nah-nah, nah, nah
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